
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Esmaltes da Kelly I Love Zombies & Dhiren

*press sample

Hello!!  Next up in my little lineup of Awesome Brazilian Indies is Esmaltes da Kelly.  Before I get into the polishes, lookit the little bottles!  They're soooo adorable!

Esmaltes da Kelly

Seriously, who doesn't love great packaging?  Adorably personalized labels, black satin bow... these are just the cutest, lol.  Okay, on to the polish.

I do not love zombies, in fact I think they're disgusting and the whole pop culture obsession with them absurd.  This polish is forgiven its name because it's so unusually pretty.

I Love Zombies is a warm, gold toned mossy green foil along the lines of Butter London Wallis.  I Love Zombies has a smattering of monochromatic hex glitters that flash holo and take the foil to a slightly whimsical level.  It's a super saturated color and applies beautifully.  I used two coats of polish and one layer of topcoat.

Esmaltes da Kelly I Love Zombies

Esmaltes da Kelly I Love Zombies

Dhiren, as a quick google search revealed to me, is a Sanskrit name meaning "strong one".  The polish is delicate and adorable and I feel I can safely assume it was inspired by a little one bearing that name.  Dhiren is a glitter topper filled with tiny, shimmery teal glitters, and small and medium sized matte cerulean, pale pink, carnation pink, and goldenrod colored hexes in a clear base.  It applies smoothly and evenly, is self leveling, and the glitters come out easily and plentifully.  I used one coat of Dhiren over OPI Don't Burst My Bubble, with one layer of topcoat.

Esmaltes da Kelly Dhiren over OPI Don't Burst My Bubble

Esmaltes da Kelly Dhiren over OPI Don't Burst My Bubble

Esmaltes da Kelly polishes retail for $8 each and are available for sale internationally through
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Thank you for reading and have a marvelous day!! ♥♥

*press sample


  1. Yep, Wallis was what came to mind right away. I don't get the whole zombie thing either??? I do get the vampire thing though ;)

    1. ;) You know, I have yet to see the last Twilight! :o

  2. I also thought of Wallis...that is TOO elegant to be zombie-ish. I love it! Dhiren is soft and pretty and reminds me of spring. And babies. <3

    1. Yes, waaaay too sparkly and lively to be related to the undead. Light green- grey creme it jelly is zombie, not fantastic gluey warm moss green, lool.

  3. I totally had BL Wallis come to mind too. Not a zombie fan either so the craze has me a bit lost too. I did like the movie Warm Bodies though.

    The second one is super pretty! Very delicate - I just adore tiny, sparkly glitter like that so much.

    1. I've never heard of Warm Bodies but I can almost guarantee that C has seen it. The only zombie movie I've ever found tolerable was World War Z and that was in part because we were watchiing it at Motor-Vu. It was actually quite tastefully done and more about the "science" than the gore.

  4. First look at "I love Zombies" and BL's Wallis came to mind! So pretty.

    That second one is so cute.

    1. Dhiren is soooo adorable! I always think that's a funny way to describe a polish but it just fits so perfectly to this one. All these Wallis comparisons.... Makes me want to pick that one up and compare for real.

  5. Gahhh I DO love Zombies! I'm obsessed with the Walking Dead to an almost unhealthy level. Therefore I am totally digging the undead Wallis shade. Love the swatches!

    P.s. check ya e-mails

    1. My husband likes it, too, as do my sister, sis in law, half the folks on my fb... Y'all are weird, lolol. Also, done, but you know that by now <3

  6. These are awesome!! I really love them both!!

    1. Aren't they cool?! So different but both sooooo fun :)

  7. Wowsa, I Love Zombies is sooo cool! I've not seen anything like that...beautiful swatches.

    1. Thank you so much, sweets! It is an awesome color :)

  8. I'm easily scared, so zombies and all other scary Halloween creatures don't appeal to me. In fact, I have to be careful this time of the year when watching tv... so many scary movie trailers just pop up with no warning lol. That being said, I do love that shade of golden green... it's so rich and bright, totally gorgeous! And Dhiren is gorgeous too... I love seeing bright glitters against a soft milky base. :)

    ~ Yun

    1. I'm so with you. I don't like bring scared and I absolutely hate horror films. C tries to be copacetic on his choices but I'm such a lightweight that anything beyond The Blair Witch Project (which I actually love, lol) is too much for me. Thriller, yes. Horror, no way. I'll take The Great Pumpkin and Fisney's The Legend of Sleepy Hollow over those nasty gore feats any day. Or better yet, I'll read Poe.

  9. The green is so gorgeous! Perfect for fall :) Love the depth of that shade..

  10. I hate the whole zombie craze, I don't watch The Walking Dead and have no interest too. I'm not a horror movie person either, hubby knows that if it has aliens or people eating people, it's a no-go ;-) Dhiren is my favorite of the two, I love how the delicate base makes the glitters delicate as well! A truly beautiful creation!

    1. Aliens I can totally do but zombies.....bleagh. Just gross. I'm with you on horror films, too. The funny thing is, C isn't down with that kind of thing, either, but before Halloween he makes the most bizarre exceptions, lol. Then I come home and ruin the fun, lol, and make him switch to King of the Hill reruns ;) Dhiren's my favorite, too. :)

  11. Hi Liesl, I join the band - I don't like Zombies either. I once watched The Walking Death for about 5 minutes, was maximally apalled and had M switch channels. I don't like Horror Movies in any form - never did for that - and while I love to look at the polish you shown here, it would do equally Zombie-esque things to my skin. Dhiren is lovely though. As always your pictures are awesome sis, great Review <3

    1. I'm actually trying to come up with a Halloweenish skittlette to feature Zombies in. It does seem that this shade of green prefers darker skintones and I have just enough yellow in mine to keep it from looking ghastly, lol. Thanks for your lovely words, as always, sis ♥♥

  12. These are so pretty! I can't decide which one is my favorite :)

    1. I know it! They're both so different and both really cool :)

  13. I have to count myself on the side of the zombie lovers...::hides head in shame::. But I agree with the comments, that polish is too pretty to be a zombie polish! I love it, but for non-zombie reasons, lol. :)

    1. Lool, you are in good and plentiful company, no need to hide your head ;) I'm actually surprised there are so many not into it, I feel slightly less weird, myself, heheh :)

  14. Dhiren is such a gorgeous polish. I want it now.


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