
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Vermelho Accessories/Marcia Lima Dorothy Shoes & American Pie

*press samples

Happy Wednesday, friends!!  For the rest of this week I get to show you all some completely amazing Brazilian indie polishes, all glitter, and all fabulous.  I was fully aware that Brazilians know their holos, and as it turns out, they know their glitters, too (and why wouldn't they?  They live in the land of Carnivale!).

These two are by Vermelho Accessories/Marcia Lima.  First up is Dorothy Shoes, a fully saturated red and holographic glitter in a red jelly base.   Dorothy Shoes is awesome.  I don't think I've ever had as much fun photographing a glitter.  It's the sparkliest, flashiest red glitter I've seen, so plentiful, rich and layered... and those searing violet flashes... and those fiery gold glints....  If China Glaze Ruby Pumps is red glitter in analog, Dorothy Shoes is digital.  I used two coats of polish and one layer of topcoat.

Vermelho Accessories/Marcia Lima Dorothy Shoes

Vermelho Accessories/Marcia Lima Dorothy Shoes

Vermelho Accessories/Marcia Lima Dorothy Shoes

 This is American Pie, a dense silver, blue, and fuschia glitter in a raspberry jelly base.  This one is super pretty and seriously looks like the filling from a jelly roll with a bunch of gorgeous glitters dumped in.  It doesn't have the wow factor of Dorothy Shoes but it's still twinkly and girly and makes me want to slip into some cutoffs (which is odd because I don't wear cutoffs) and go to a 4th of July barbecue with a bandstand band playing in the background.  I used two coats of polish and one layer of topcoat.

Vermelho Accessories/Marcia Lima American Pie

Vermelho Accessories/Marcia Lima American Pie

Both glitters are sooo gorgeous in their own special ways and it was so much fun putting them on and trying to capture all their glittery facets on camera.  You need these in your life, whether you're a die-hard glitter lover or just an occasional dabbler.  The formula on both is perfect and neither are particularly topcoat hungry.  One layer of a nice, thick topcoat, like Seche Vite, will smooth these out nicely.

Dorothy Shoes, American Pie, and other Vermelho Accessories/Marcia Lima glitters are available for sale internationally for $9 each through
Like color4nails on facebook to stay up to date on specials and new releases.

Thank you for reading and have a beautiful day!! ♥♥

*press sample


  1. These are both gorgeous, but Dorothy Shoes is amazing!! Your nails looks like they're burning. :) Beautiful pics. <3

    1. Thank you sweets! I adore Dorothy Shoes. Those gold flecks totally look like glowing embers :)

  2. Holy awesome! How about you try some nail art with Dorothy Shoes. Remember the Wizard of Oz mani from Chalkboard nails....the one I copied? Try it...I dare you.

    1. Ooh... Yeah. Your post was amazing. I dunno....

  3. I love a good glitters and these look pretty awesome. I wish Brazilian polishes were a bit easier to get a hold of. Love both of these.

    1. Color4nails ships internationally! No excuses now, girlie ;)

  4. Oh wow, must have Dorothy Shoes!!!!

  5. Dorothy Shoes is incredible. Truly stunning. Nice to know they don't eat topcoat like mad either!

    1. I know! Great for a polish so saturated with glitter.

  6. I LOVE Dorothy Shoes! It is beautiful!!

    1. It is seriously the prettiest red glitter I've seen <3

  7. Oh my, Dorothy Shoes is gorgeous!!!!

  8. Hi sis, oh WOOOOOOOWZERS!!!! How awesome are thems???? It would be hard for any glitter to stand up next to Dorothy's Shoes, that one is outstanding!!!! And I am really taken by Brazilian polish - they have a way of doing them that they end up totally Top Coat loving, seems no matter if it is a holo or a glitter - we got so used to use endless layers of glitter smoothener and Top Coat on them that this is a real joy to know that there are such user friendly glitters out there :-)!!! And hehehe your reference to digital glitter - so excellently put <3

    1. Yes!! Thank you so much for getting that :) Someday I want to try Ozotics and Hits but in the meantime, I'm sure having a blast with these indies... Dorothy Shoes is indeed in a class by itself and it's always nice to find a non topcoat devouring glittah, especially one so dense.

  9. WOW dorothy shoes looks friggen awesome. The depth is insane! Beautiful Swatches girl!

    1. Thank you so much!! :) Dorothy Shoes is crazy deep, one of the most fun glitters I've worn :)

  10. Wow, these are both so beautiful! I wish I loved glitter (well I do love it, on others) - I love it on me too, I just don't love removing it. lol These are really well done, both of them!

    1. That's just it, the removal... If I'm lucky, they just kind of pop right off after a bit of wear. I guess the glue base technique would be worth trying but I don't like the idea of putting glue on my nails, lol. Silly, I know ;p


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