
Monday, September 30, 2013

Honey Bunny Lacquer Pantera Collection

*press sample

Good morning, friends!!  Happy Monday, lolol.  I've got an exciting new indie collection to show you today, one that takes me back to the best part of my very early twenties, when I was discovering a lot of really great music for myself.  I was a bit of a metalhead and one of my favorite bands at the time was a Texas based group called Pantera.  I was fortunate enough to get to see them play live once before the band's demise and the untimely death of lead guitarist extraordinaire, Dimebag Darrell.
Deb, a longtime blogger friend and creator of Honey Bunny Lacquer, has launched a set of three glitter toppers as an ode to three of her own favorite Pantera songs.  Whilst choosing appropriate base colors, I noticed the three glitters match perfectly with three of the Zoya Satin colors, which kind of made me excited... nail polish serendipity strikes again :)

First up is Honey Bunny Lacquer Cemetery Gates, over Zoya Claudine.
Cemetery Gates is a silver holographic glitter mix of tiny and small hexes interspersed with medium sized matte black hexes and silver circles in a clear base.

Honey Bunny Lacquer Pantera Collection Cemetery Gates

Honey Bunny Lacquer Pantera Collection Cemetery Gates

Honey Bunny Lacquer Pantera Collection Cemetery Gates

Honey Bunny Lacquer The Sleep over Zoya Mason.  The Sleep is a violet purple holographic glitter mix of tiny and small hexes and small squares, small magenta hexes, and large purple circles in a clear base.

Honey Bunny Lacquer Pantera Collection The Sleep

Honey Bunny Lacquer Pantera Collection The Sleep

Honey Bunny Lacquer Pantera Collection The Sleep

Honey Bunny Lacquer This Love (purportedly the song that gets all the girls hooked on the band... proof positive right here, lol) over Zoya Channing.  This Love is a bright pink holographic glitter mix with tiny and small light and dark pink hexes, small red and light pink squares, and large dark pink matte hearts in a clear base.

Honey Bunny Lacquer Pantera Collection This Love

Honey Bunny Lacquer Pantera Collection This Love

Honey Bunny Lacquer Pantera Collection This Love

The formula on all three glitters is nice and self leveling, neither gloopy nor stringy.  I adore the fact that Deb included the trending circle glitters in two of these, but having said that, the larger pieces, including the hearts, do need special placement.  They're all a little topcoat hungry-- two thick coats of Seche Vite smoothed these out nicely for me.  The glitters themselves are all gorgeous, like jewelry for their respective base colors, and I will always have a soft spot for musically themed polishes.

Honey Bunny Lacquer is available in both 15ml bottles for $9 and 5ml bottles for $4.  Her shop is full of good vibes, right down to her wish that you leave with a song in your head, if not a polish.

email Deb directly at

Thank you for reading, and have a lovely day. ♥
*press sample


  1. These are all really pretty glitters. I love Cemetery Gates, but The Sleep looks *fabulous* on you! It's pretty cool that they all looked so good on the new Zoyas. <3

    1. If I had to choose a favorite, it'd be The Sleep (I adore Mason, too, lol). I was pretty stoked about the matchups... Essie did one this spring with the spring Zoyas and some Model's Own glitters. It's a beautiful thing, lol :)

  2. Wow, perfect pairings. Perhaps "frankening" would be another forte' !? I like the first one the best!

    1. They totally reminded me of your Model's Own Mirror Ball swatches :) Frankening, eh? Well, I won't say it won't happen but for not I'll leave that to the master (aka Becca) :)

  3. I love them all!! The Sleep as absolutely stolen my heart though! They look fantabulous on you. ;) But, what doesn't?

    1. Aw, you're so sweet :) The Skeep is awesome. It's got to be those gorgeous circle glitters. ;)

  4. Such gorgeous polishes! I will be checking them all out...I've never seen anything like them!

  5. Liesl! You made these look SO beautiful! Thanks so much for reviewing them for me! :)

    1. Thank you for letting me be a part of this, Deb <3 And polishes this pretty certainly don't need my help :)

  6. Fabulous glitters, and wonderful application!

    1. You're such a doll :) These are fantastic glitters, for sure :)

  7. Noooooo!! Not another indie I'm gonna fall in love with! :O Why must you do this to meeee?! :P JK! Lovely, lovely, lovely!! And how exciting that you got to be one of the first people to try 'em out. :D Good eye for the pairings too... I'm really digging This Love over looks like Valentine's Day threw up on your nails! ;) Unfortunately I've never heard of Pantera, but This Love makes me think of an old fave of mine by Maroon 5. :)

    1. Yes, friend, another one ♥ And I know, it is totally exciting! I'm so thrilled and honored to be a part of it. :) I know the song of which you speak... C sometimes sings it on our Singstar and I always take that opportunity to brush my teeth/clean the litterboxes/do whatever random chore I've been putting off because of its all around unpleasantness. I can't stand that song, lolol. Pantera > Maroon 5 imho :D

  8. you used the perfect undies :D Love Honey bunny...such a gorgeous glitter!

    1. Thank you so much! :) And these are truly lovely creations. Deb did an awesome job.

  9. I love it when Indie meets big brand - and what a team these two make, beautifully combined!!!! Awesome post sis xxx

    1. I do, too, it makes me happy, lol :) Thanks so much, sis ♥

  10. Great pairings, and your nails look stunning. :)

  11. Even though I have an aversion to glitter (well not really, I just don't like taking it off) lol - these are some really nice glitters and combos.

    1. Glitters have never been my faves but I've developed a spot in my heart for them over this past year and Deb definitely did a nice job with these.


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