
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Rescue Beauty Lounge Cuprum

Hi friends!  It's another Saturday and I'm doing what I want and reposting a favorite.  Rescue Beauty Lounge Cuprum, from 2012's Fan Collection, impressed me right out of the gate and immediately went on my list of desert island polishes--  the ones you'd choose if you happened to be stranded and got to have three, five, ten of your favorite nail polishes to keep you company, of course.  Cuprum, despite the fact that blue is not my favorite color to wear in general, is top three.  And maybe I'm being a little shameless here, but it's been a pie in the sky dream for me to be one of RBL founder Ji's bloggers since I discovered the brand for myself (note my response to the seventh comment down, lol) and thanks to a contest call for new reviewers via Ji's blog, I get to throw my hat in the ring.  So, you can bet one of these photos is going up on the official contest instagram later today, because the truth of the matter is, #IWant2ReviewRBL ;)

Rescue Beauty Lounge Cuprum

Rescue Beauty Lounge Cuprum
Cuprum is an out of this world bright frosty metallic electric blue with a multitude of tiny copper flecks that are readily apparent both in the bottle and on the nail in real life but seem to show up on camera where the light doesn't directly hit.  This is one of the most notoriously hard to photograph polishes ever but that only adds to its intrigue.  The blue, however, is every bit as vivid as my photos suggest (and the color in these is, as always, unaltered; my camera is freaking out a little where the light is reflecting off my nails... seriously, this polish is something else).  I used two coats of polish and one layer of topcoat.  RBLs are spendy and the formula reflects that-- this applies beautifully.

Rescue Beauty Lounge Cuprum

Rescue Beauty Lounge Cuprum

Cuprum ( Latin for copper, if you want to know) was the definite dark horse of the Fan Collection and the only one still available (here).  And to my fellow bloggerettes, if you've got an instagram and feel like entering RBL's contest, click here for details.  Also, since I brought up the whole desert island scenario, what are your top three? 

Thank you for reading and have a terrific weekend!! ♥


  1. Oh man oh man oh man. The polish gods have spoken with this one! Look at that shimmer! I don't own any RBLs but boy, do I wanna change that!! My top 3 desert island polishes have to be OPI Fly, NYC Chinatown ( just in case some hunk gets stranded too ;-) Just kidding haha! ) and Essie's Set in Stones because we all need a glitter topper and that would look great over both!!

    1. I KNOWWWWW!!!! lool. Tell me you're going to join the contest :) Nice choices, too, your swatches of Chinatown are smokin'!

    2. Thank you! I think I just might now!

  2. Gorgeous!!!! She would be lucky to have you review her polishes. You ROCK!

  3. I agree with Essie...your fantastic pics and reviews would boost sales 350% at the very least. :) This is a lovely blue. Wow, I never really noticed you don't do a lot of blues, but I guess you don't...they look great on you too! 3 desert island polishes...Zoya Dannii, China Glaze Dress Me Up, and Butter London The Black Knight...because just looking at the bottle makes me angry enough to pour my energies into constructing a raft.

    1. You're such a doll, Mel <3 That rapscallion knight, eh? Nice strategery!! :D I ought to choose three Juleps with that in mind, lol.

  4. Love the subtle flecks. And this polish is so gorgeous! Your swatches tempt me to purchase these beauties :D

    1. I think you'd love RBLs, Pearl, they're so luxurious <3

  5. Hi sis, now I can give that thing with being in each others heads back and this even before we "met"!!!!! Thank you so much of reminding me of Cuprum. It was my first ever shade of RBL too and truth being told I never understood why it was the dark horse!!! It is my favorite out of that collection and it looks stunning on you. My three picks would be: I red a Good Book (remember - yours!!!!), Cuprum and Elevation Polish Toubkal. Then I would trade in a pair of socks for a fourth bottle and go with Elevation Pic de Sottlo ;-)!!! Cross fingers and toes that you will become an official RBL reviewer!!!! xxx

    1. ♥♥♥ :) I think it's because people hear or see frosty and run in the other direction and that's how a LOT of photos were interpreting it. It wasn't my first choice, though, IKB:2012 was. By the time I got around to buying one, though, the IKBs had sold out and Cuprum had had time to grow on me... Now there area plenty of rich blue jellies but nothing like Cuprum so clearly, it was polish serendipity :) I love that that red is in your top three! Also loving that you'd trade a pair of socks for s fourth... What are you going to need socks for on a desert island? And thank you, as always, for your lovely words and support, sis ♥♥

  6. This is gorgeous on you!

    My three desert island polishes - that's so hard! I'm think Deborah Lipmmann Candy Shop, OPI Catch Me In Your Net, and maybe Zoya Glinda.

    1. Thanks, sweets!! :) Funny you mention Catch Me In Your Net... Zoya Charla is another one of my top three :)

  7. Looks very impressive! I like pictures :)

  8. Replies
    1. Ooh, good call! Tallulah doesn't have the flecks but you might be right on the base color... ChG Frostbite comes to mind, too, but the shade of blue is actually quite different.

  9. I love the glow of this, it is so pretty!

    1. It's pretty much amazing ♥ And it's funny because it doesn't really glow irl, per se, but the copper adds tremendous character to it. It glows in the photos because my camera doesn't know how to process the copper, lol :)

  10. Oh that polish is stunning! Hope you get picked to be a swatcher for RBL. :)

    1. Thank you so much, you're so sweet :) It is a goooooregous polish. ♥♥

  11. You know I love this one! It's totally gorgeous and your swatches really show off its beauty! Best of luck with the RBL contest. Keep us updated and let us know when to vote. ;)

    ~ Yun

    1. Yun, you're so awesome <3 First things first, though, lol ;) I have moments of confidence and then moments of there's just no way, lol. Finalists will be announced Oct. 11.

  12. These are gorgeous swatches, good luck in the contest! I was going to enter, lol, but I don't use Instagram. Oh well! That last photo is my fave! :)

    1. It might be worth it to get an IG, there aren't that many applicants yet! Your photos are so pretty, too, I think you should enter :)

  13. Oh my, my, my, this is so pretty!!! Gah!!!

    1. Isn't it the most amazing blue ever??!?!?!


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