
Thursday, September 26, 2013

OPI Muir Muir On The Wall

Good morning, guys and gals!  Early rumblings about OPI's Muir Muir On The Wall, from this fall's San Fransisco collection, suggested it is reminiscent of, and possibly a dupe for, one of the long discontinued OPI On Broadway polishes (holiday 2003 collection), Man Of La Mancha or La Boheme.  The fact is, even just in photos, it's apparent that Muir Muir On The Wall is much more subdued, but is still a fascinating creature.

OPI Muir Muir On The Wall

Muir Muir On The Wall is a blackened metallic plum alit with monochromatic shimmer.  Inside the bottle, it looks like a plum to green to gold multichrome but this doesn't translate onto the nail.  It's a bit of a bummer but that feeling doesn't last because Muir is still so richly, darkly beautiful. 
 I used two coats of polish and one layer of topcoat.  The formula is on the thin side so beware of cuticle flooding and take extra care to wipe the excess off the brush before applying.

OPI Muir Muir On The Wall

OPI Muir Muir On The Wall

OPI Muir Muir On The Wall

I just... I love this.  It's everything a fall polish should be.  If you (like me) only go for one out of the San Fran collection, I highly suggest this one.  As long as you aren't expecting a wild duochrome, you won't be disappointed.  At least, not for long. ;)

Thank you for reading and have an amazing day! ♥♥


  1. This is gorgeous! Your nails are gorgeous, photos are gorgeous, and the polish is gorgeous!!! <3

    1. Thanks, friend :) I had fun messing around with different angles on this one. OPI bottles seem to work perfectly for nail photography, lolol.

    2. Yes, the last one is really cool!

  2. Wow so beautiful!! I need to wear this again :)

  3. This was my favorite from the San Fran collection. I'm a goner when I see a vampy plum anyway. And I'm loving your photo angles. :)

    1. Well that's a no brainer to anyone who knows a little about ya ;) And thank you! Like I said to Es up there, I had fun playing around with angles this time around. Thank you for the vote of confidence ♥♥

  4. Muir, Muir is probably one of my favorites from this collection (even though I haven't actually purchased any yet!)-- it's so pretty! Your swatches are gorgeous. I need to go out and get this.

    1. Funny thing, I've talked myself out of it the last two times I've been to Ulta but let's face it, some things in life are inevitable. I hope to see it gracing your lovely nails sometime in the near future ♥

  5. I really really love it! As soon as I reduced my untrieds a little and allowing myself to buy regular (=not really limited) polishes again, this one will be part of my first order :-)

    1. Lol, I have a fairly sizable amount of untrieds, too, and this was a rather impulsive buy... Good on you for showing a little restraint :)

  6. I don't know why I don't have this one already, because this is my favorite color! Muir Muir On The Wall is beautiful. Yeah, I NEED this one.

    1. You totally need this! Get on that, girlie :)

  7. That is a gorgeous color. I did not get it because I thought it looked like the others but wow it looks great.

    1. Patty!! :D Yes, this one is special, definitely a standout in San Fran :)

  8. What a gorgeous shade! It's one of my favs from the San Fran Collection! I didn't even realize it was a duochrome at first... I think you might have been the one to point it out to me lol. :D

    ~ Yun

    1. Oh really? The funny thing is that it's not really duo on the nail but it does this kind if brownish golden thing in the sun, like the whole thing changes. It's so cool :)

  9. aaahhh I must have this!!! so so beautiful!!

    1. Isn't it gorgie ?! You do need it, I can see your beautiful photos now :)

  10. Great polish, it is one of the polishes I picked up from this looks better on you ;)

    1. Aw, I bet it's beautiful on you :) Have you posted about it already? I'll hafta go stalk your blog!

  11. This is so Vampy I love it! Great swatch btw (:

    1. Thank you, sweets :) It is so gorgeously vampy!

  12. Yep, you are right! Everything a fall polish should be. I think I have bought 456732 million plum polishes in the last few weeks but oh well, you can never have too many!

    1. That is exactly how I feel about red cremes :) This is actually one of just two plums in my stash... The other is an old, frosty Cover Girl from 2005, lol :)

  13. Very pretty! This was on my favorites from the San Fran collection too.

    1. Hey sweets! This one is super pretty. I'll probs end up with at least one more from this collection. OPI's been so good this year.

  14. pretty shade...perfect for fall. Beautiful swatches Liesl :)

    1. My thoughts exactly :) And thank you so much!!

  15. So pretty! I own this one for a while now but I cannot believe I haven't tried it yet :D

    1. It's probably because our kind is waaaaaay too easily distracted, lol ;)

  16. That is such a gorgeous color. I love it. :)

  17. AAAh! I can see that sneaky gold multichrome in the last pic in the bottle! That is a bummer that it doesn't translate onto the nail. Muir Muir on the Wall is one of those dark and vampy colors that I like to rock on my tootsies for fall!! It looks gorgeous on you of course!!

    1. Yes, yes!! In the bottle it's all multichrome-y deliciousness but it's still super pretty on, even though the flashes don't come out to play. This would make a gorgeous pedi color. I'm currently obsessing over peacock blue on my toesies for fall.

  18. Hi sis, I love Muir Muir on the Wall EXCLAMATION MARK(S). I am with Dany, I saw that soft golden glow in your last picture. Frankly, I love the delicacy of the just bearably there duochrome that only get visible when you turn and twist your hands, it gives this polish so much more dimension and reminds me of silken Velvet that also has a shine when moved in the light. I also allowed myself only a limited number of bottles from the SF Collection but went for Haven't Got the Foggiest. Have a spectacular weekend xxx

    1. Yes!! Oh, I love the silken velvet analogy. It's kind of like the art of the subtle holo, too-- in-your-face duochromes are what everyone wants and most easily appreciated and the subtle is poo-poohed and overlooked but it's the subtle ones that are the most elegant. Haven't The Foggiest is lovely and sooo tempting. Silver foils are the best, like liquid metal on your nails.

  19. This is gorgeous! It is definitely perfect for fall!

    1. I know ♥ If fall didn't abound with so many lovely and rich colors, I could probably live in this for a while :)


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