
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New Subscription Service!! Wantable Accessories Box

*press sample

Helloooo!!  I have something new and a little different to share with you all today.  I started nail blogging with no clue (in fact, I never even read blogs until I started my own) and no goal other than to be first in a google search (seriously... try not to judge) and I named it as a spinoff of my food blog, which has since gone the way of the dodo.  The cool thing is how all-encompassing the name ended up being and how much it allows for growth.  So I hope, as I find my footing in writing about it, that accessories, and possibly more fashion related things, will become regularly interspersed amongst my nail and makeup posts and I really hope you all stick around! ♥

Wantable Accessories Box review

I was very recently approached by a new subscription company called Wantable.  You've maybe heard of them, as they've been featured on Yahoo and more recently around the blogosphere.  Wantable offers customized boxes in four different categories-- makeup, accessories, intimates, and limited edition (this month's LE box is Halloween themed).  I chose the accessories box, as I adore finding an awesome new ways to jazz up my wardrobe.

The first thing you do, upon signing up on the website, is choose your box.  Then, you're directed through a series of questions customizing it to your most specific preferences.  For the accessories box, I was instructed to "love", "like", or "dislike" styles, specific pieces, finishes, sizes, materials, even themes.  You're told you're most likely to receive products you love and will never receive products you dislike.  You'll get to change your preferences each time you order or accept a box.  Your invoice will reflect your chosen details.  Here's mine-- enlarge for a closer look, if you please.

Wantable Accessories Box review

 I chose, amongst my "loves", classic, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, and silver tone.  Amongst my "likes" are boho, rings, and wood.  "Dislikes" include urban, acrylic, skulls, and inspirational text (you can get pretty specific on here!).  Here's what I received, each individually wrapped and packaged in a sturdy and spare cardboard box.

Wantable Accessories Box review

Wantable Accessories Box review

Everything I received is spot-on to my style and to what I "loved".  That's a fringed leopard print shawl (I looooove me some scarves/shawls/pashminas/whatever the kids are calling them nowadays and I adore leopard print), a nice, sturdy pair of on trend for fall black cat eye sunglasses, and a big ol' pair of silver tone filigree-type earrings.  Here's a closer shot of those.

Wantable Accessories Box review

 I was particularly impressed by the earrings.  Jewelry preferences are particularly customizable.  You get to choose the length to the inch you like to wear, even the clasp, if I remember correctly.  These are not something I'd ever look at and choose for myself, but with someone else shopping for me and choosing things they think I'd like, it's a fun risk and these ended up being perfect.
That's one of the coolest things about this subscription.  They have shoppers scattered throughout the country choosing items for you so you don't just get stuff within one region.  Basically, you have a country-wide team of personal shoppers at your service.  Here are all three of my choices in action (don't mind the nekkid middle nail; I forgot I'd asked C to take some pictures and there you have it...).

Wantable Accessories Box review

Wantable Accessories Box review

Wantable Accessories Box review

Now the specs.  Each box is worth $80 to $100, and includes three to four pieces.  My box value totaled $94 altogether.  The sunglasses retail at $20, the earrings $24, and the scarf $50.  If you sign up for the monthly subscription, your cost per box is $36.  You also have the option to buy a box without subscribing, which I think is an awesomely noncommittal option, for $40.  Either way, it's a killer deal.  Per the Wantable website, "subscriptions are shipped automatically each month and can be skipped or canceled anytime".  In addition, if you're not totally happy with your box, you can send it back for a full refund.

So I totally love this service-- good quality pieces for a f-f-f-fraction of the retail price, lol, and I'm so impressed at how accurate they were in regards to my style.

If you're interested in giving any of the four Wantable boxes a go, you're welcome to use my personal invite link.  It's not an affiliate link but I do get credit for each person who signs up and orders a box.  Wantable is US-based but also ships to Canada and Australia.
 Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!! ♥♥
*press sample


  1. I love every single item on you! You're looking hot with those red lips :D

    1. Thank you so, much, sweets!! :) Red lips, what else? ;p

  2. Love your review and your fashion shots! That reminds me, I have to send you that pic of my shades :-D

  3. HOT post and I have wondered about Wantables. I may need to give this a try. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the photos of you all done up in the accessories and already can't wait for next month's post. <3 Also YOU CAN SEND IT BACK?! That is, for real, risk free. I may try this out for my birthday. It'll be fun to see how different our boxes are.

    1. That it will! And thank you :) :) I hope you do try it, the whole thing's pretty much foolproof, in my estimation.

  4. Okay, if anybody can pull off a "don't hate me because I'm beautiful" aura, it's you. <3 This is a really cool's like Christmas every month! You have to wonder how much fun the ones on the other end are having with each personalized list. :) YAY, I can't wait for your monthly posts!

    1. Aw, you're so sweet ♥ I was just flipping my hair around and C was snapping away, lol. And I thought the very same thing-- how fun would it be to be a shopper for this company?!

  5. Dahling, you look mahvelous!! Love the fashion shots and the write-up. This subscription is very intriguing. I like both the beauty and the accessories boxes and I love how customizable it seems. Plus, the fact that you can return it (at least with the accessories) is a huge plus. I might have to try this out after the kiddos are born if only so I can feel cool and stylish and not like a sloppy new mom! =P

    1. Why thank you dahling *kiss kiss* It is pretty much risk free, like Candice said up there. You should definitely treat yourself after you have the babies, you'll certainly have earned it ♥♥

  6. You look totally glamorous, I have to say! The pieces they picked for you are beautiful and fit you perfectly. I'm not sure I could ever take the plunge with these mystery boxes. I'm not even sure what I like, so how can I expect anyone else to lol? But this one seems to have worked out amazingly for you. Great post! :D

    ~ Yun

    1. Thank you!! :) :) And I agree that they fit me perfectly! I'm totally sold, but yes, you have to have a pretty clear sense of what you like or else you'll be staring at the questionnaire for a while, lol. The makeup box might be a fun choice for you... I didn't even look at that one because there are only so many peach blushes, red lipsticks, and taupe eyeshadows one gal can play with (though some might debate that).

  7. Great scarf and love the sunglasses. Love the red lips also!

    1. Thank you, I like them, too! Red lip post is imminent, lol :)

  8. Wow everything is beautiful, for 36 it's definitely a steal!

    1. For sure! I'm really excited to try another box and I think you should give it a go, too ;)

  9. I have been waiting for this post! Your pictures at the end are priceless! You look just like a model. I could just see you in real life whipping your hair around - throwing the shawl across your body like a goddess...with the wind blowing in your hair! LOL. Love it, just love it.

    1. Lolol, you're too sweet ♥ Those iPhones take pictures remarkably fast, so C was snapping away and I was posing away and feeling a little ridiculous, lol. But thank you so much, Es-- this was a fun post to work on.

  10. I love your second picture! And you look great with everything you got from them. I'm also a huge scarves/pashminas fan :)
    Any chance you remember what lipstick you had in the pics? I adore it!

    1. You're so sweet! :) And I do remember, it's elf Matter Lip Color in Rich Red. I've got a bunch of photos waiting to be made into a post on that... hopefully some time this week.

  11. You look gorgeous in them, dahhhhling!

  12. Love, love, love how you're modeling that scarf in that last pic! I love everything that you received...I follow Wantable on Twitter and I'm awfully tempted to try them out.

    1. You should! If you have a good handle on your own tastes, I honestly don't see how you could go wrong! Plus, there's that nice return policy ;)


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