
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Imitation Is The Sincerest Form Of Flattery

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...though some things are oft imitated, never duplicated. ;)

My good friend Candice of Mommy Does Her Nails has had a (usually) weekly feature on her blog for going on two years, one in which her husband goes through her stash and chooses a selection of polishes with which she is to create nail art.  It's the coolest challenge.  The point of it is to stump her and I just really think that's impossible.

Candice always has a call out at the bottom of each HP post to involve a guy in your own life and do one of these challenges yourself, and to please feel more than welcome email her your results for a future blog feature and to share on her facebook page.  In light of recent events (and perhaps inspiration to regularly wear more than one color on my nailses at a time) I decided to finally pay homage to the original.

C knows better than to actually challenge me with stuff that may or may not look nice next to each other on a color wheel, so he chose some gorgeous colors meant for a fall themed mani.  Clockwise from the left are Zoya Maria Luisa, Zoya Flynn, Zoya Hunter, and Butter London Sunbaker.

autumn skittles mani

fall skittles mani

zoya cashmeres + maria luisa + butter london sunbaker skittles mani

Three of these colors are from the Zoya fall collections so it obvi wasn't hard to make them look gorgeous together.  C's addition of the bright and fiery Sunbaker was genius, though.  I love the pop of harvest sunset golden-orange it provides, also proving Butter London's summer offering to be wonderfully versatile.

In closing, this was TOTALLY fun and I can't wait to collab with my sweetheart to to more of these.  I hope some of you all are inspired to join up, blog not required!  Just shoot an email to Candice, aka The Master, via her blog page and she'll be happy to feature ya.

Thank you for reading and have an awesome day!! ♥
*press samples


  1. Way to go Mr. LLPT!!! I think you pulled this off beautifully and agree that the addition of Sunbaker was genius. Maybe whenever we're stumped as to what polish to wear we should just let our men choose? I just might partake in this too :-D

    1. I think that is a fabulous idea and I want to say that's how the whole concept came about in the first place. I hope you do join in, the more, the merrier! <3

  2. Your hubby did a wonderful job! All that's missing from this lovely autumn offering is the scarecrow. :) I agree that Sunbaker was a great addition. Very, very pretty. <3

    1. Yyyeah. As much as I dig scarecrows, freehand is just not going to happen around these parts, lol. At the very least, I'd have to take my gigantic photo size down a notch or two. ;p

  3. Oh it came out amazingly! I love the bottle shots - adds to autumn allure. It's so wonderful and thank you so very much.

    1. Thank you so much!! :) It was a blast to do and like I've already said a couple times, I'm hooked on the concept :) To HP growing ever larger!! Also, I'm considering using Maria Luisa as a permanent prop. Okay, not really, but I do think it takes a very nice picture, lol.

  4. Omg this mani is GORGEOUS!! I love how much this makes me *feel* autumn. The color combo is to die for and I love the gold flakie on top of the green! Amazing job <3

    1. Thank you so much! :) As soon as he pulled these colors I got all excited. And I should have figured, fall is the guy's favorite season ;)

  5. He did an awesome job! I'm loving the flakies over the green :)

    1. He certainly did! :) And I adooooore Maria Luisa over the dark Zoya cremes this fall.

  6. I love the colors... your hubby did a great job picking these! Maria Luisa looks fantastic over the green and Sunbaker really brightens everything up. :)

    ~ Yun

    1. He did do an amazing job :) He is, far and away, the artist of the two of us.

  7. Kudos to your hunnie...great polishes!

  8. Gorgeous manicure! He has an eye for color ;)

    1. Thank you so much!! :) He really does have a good eye, it's part of why I'm so excited to do another :)

  9. Woops I was on the wrong account sorry! What i said was : You are kinda making me want to get that gold zoya flakie! it's freaking gorgeoussss <3

    1. Lol, all good :) If you only get one of the fall Zoyas, get that one. It is gorgeous and so versatile ♥♥

  10. Replies
    1. They totally are!! This is, like, two in one week for me, lol. Somebody stop me! lool.

  11. Hi sis, oh how awesome is THIS???? Perfect Skittelette!!! I love the idea too and trust me, I tried hard with Mark but truth being said, the more pleading I was the more sour turned his face. So I might have needed one more year - alas - it shouldn't be, but I could put this up for a test for a future candidate? LOL - this not take place anytime soon, but a fun thought anyhow :-D

    1. It is indeed a fun thought ♥ C is very visual and artistic so mine was a relatively easy sell, lol. I think I needed to warm up more to the idea than he did, but then again he does such a nice job of humoring me.

  12. I love what colors he picked! I might try this with my boyfriend sometime :D

    1. Thank you!! And you totally should! We've both already got plans for next week, lol.

  13. What an awesome fall-ish combo! Especially love the pumpkin polish. Of course I would. :)

    1. ;) But of course! And pumpkin, YESS, that's a perfect description! Prettier than what it's actually named after, to be sure, lolol.

  14. WOW. That's all I can think! It's a brilliant combinantion and I *NEED* to buy all the polishes in this manicure so I can recreate it. :D Anything for more polish, right? ;)

    1. Well, duh!! :) You're such a sweetheart, I'm so glad you like this ♥

  15. Wow, he has the "eye" for this. What an awesome post! I'm so glad you gave a shout-out to Candice for her very inspirational idea! I have been loving her posts like this for quite some time and often wonder what Chris would come up with if I asked him:) Fun!

    1. Do you have any idea how stoked she'd be if you sent one of your creations to her email? I think you guys totally need to try this. ♥ So glad you're feeling better... will shoot off an email to ya later today.

  16. Wow. I love how you balanced this mani--Flynn plays off the flakies in way that makes all the colors melt together beautifully. Now I want to play with these colors...:)

    1. Ahh, you're awesome :) That was exact what I was thinking/ hoping for.

  17. That BL polish is so pretty! Love this mani and I still "need" Maria Luisa!

    1. Maria Luisa's awesome, def one of my favorites this fall <3


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