
Monday, September 2, 2013

Nubar Reclaim

Happy Labor Day!  I thought I'd be posting copious amounts of holos between whenever it was that I said I would and now for two reasons... First, SUNNY AUGUST WEATHER and second, I'm realllly stoked about the fall collections and I wanted to hold off on wearing the more traditional colors until September.  Well, sunny August weather didn't exactly happen.  It's been rainy, overcast, and humid as hekk.  The last couple days, however, have been gorgeous.  Also, I went on a fall polish swatchfest last night and I found myself wanting nothing more than to rock a light, a bright, or perhaps...

...the glorious emerald green holo that is Nubar Reclaim.

Nubar Reclaim

Nubar Reclaim

Reclaim's awesomeness does not lie in the strength of the holo.  It's along the lines of this spring's China Glaze Hologram collection in rainbow strength.  Here's a link to ChG Strap On Your Moonboots (which I love) for comparison.  Reclaim's strength lies in the fact that it is a spectacular shade of green with a decent linear holo.  Much like the white holo, the dark green holo remains fairly elusive and Reclaim, while it was released in 2009, remains the benchmark of medium/dark green holos.  If you know of any more, I'd love to be made aware.
Reclaim is a well behaved holo, gliding on over my normal basecoat, not pulling, opaque in two coats, not dulled by topcoat.  

Nubar Reclaim

C gave this to me in my Christmas sock last year.  He got it off amazon for something like $6 shipped.  (I know this because it was on my wishlist).  I just checked amazon again and it seems the price has gone up a bit.  Well, I guess I'll treasure mine all the more... -_-

Thanks for reading and I hope your day is sunny and funny! ☼


  1. Gone up a bit???? Holy shit! I'll say. I was planning to buy a backup bottle. Guess I shouldn't have procrastinated. LOL

    1. Well, there's another listing for $80/ bottle. Save 50%!! : D

  2. By the way, your swatch is faaabulous. This polish is amazeballs, isn't it? :D

  3. This is such an amazing color! Look at all that sparkle! :D

  4. Glorious is the most perfect word you could use to describe Reclaim!

  5. My gosh, thank you for giving me an idea what to wear next!! I forgot how gorgeous it is!!!

    1. Youuu betcha!! :D I hope your sunny days aren't as numbered as mine ;)

  6. Replies
    1. One of these days, Es, one of these days.... :)

  7. Such a pretty color! But I don't think it's $162-pretty, haha.

    1. Yyyyeeaaahhhh. I try not to make a habit of spending more on a polish than I would a pair of shoes, lol.

  8. I always have to open up my 'must have' document when I come to your blog Liesl...and it is getting longer and longer, LOL!

    1. Aw, you're so sweet!! :) I hope the price balances out again for your sake <3

  9. Gorgeous!! You did a great job capturing the holo goodness! :D

    ~ Yun

    1. Thanks, friend :) Taking pictures of holos is my favorite ;)

  10. HOLORIFIC dear Liesl!!! As far as I know you are totally right, the release of Reclaim is a mark stone in polish history!!! It looks amazeballs on you - sigh such a gem!!! I have it too and cannot remember where I got it from.... As for other middle and darker green holos I would smuggly suggest Dragon from A England - or do you own it already? My other favorite dark green holo is from Cirque - Lonesome George. Both of them have very saturated base colors though certainly were released not as far back as Reclaim. Have a great start into the new week <3

    1. Ahh, I *knew* you'd be able to name a few! The Dragon... I need that one since I've got Saint George, anyway. And Cirque... Once I start on that brand I know I'll be down another rabbit hole, lool. So many holos, so few weeks of summer....

  11. Gah!!! Beautiful! Guess I'll pass on it though at $162.47. LOL

    1. See my above reply to Erika, lol. Such a deal!! Tee hee :D

  12. YIKES, squared. First: that COLOR. Second: $162. This looks utterly fetching on you!

    1. Why thank you!! Apparently the link is gone now (so I've been told) so either the seller rethought the price or someone actually bit, lol.

  13. Very purrrrrty!! (did I sound like a cat? GOOD.) ;-)
    Umm, whoever did that ebay listing needs to learn how to spell..."GONIG" Green Collection?! Really?!
    Btw, I hear ya about all the darn humidity. ISH. I'm blaming all my polish mistakes (esp. bubbles) on it!

    1. Yiss, I totally thought you were una gato. Gonig... I know, like, really?! Proofread that! Lolol. Mostly the humidity is making my clothes too tight but I admit to largely avoiding jellies for the very reason you stated. Darned weather. :D

  14. Replies
    1. I believe the word "amazeballs" has been used twice now (I do not endorse the word but I appreciate the sentiment ;) )

  15. I own the set of greens from this collection-this one by far is the best one. At least I think it is since I have yet to try the other ones!!! But I was on a mission way back when to own all 5.

    1. I can't say I blame you, the whole collection is pretty gorgeous, and I love the concept of the collection as a whole. Even so, this one is the obvious standout... Isn't there a duochrome in there, too?

  16. This was a really early on the market spectacular holo that came along with the early OPI DS holos but this one had a color that OPI DS had not dared to even venture's been in my collection since it first came along and i think that must be 5 yrs ago now.

    1. I thought it had been a while, 2009, yes? It took OPI a while to get in with green in the first place, didn't it? Like they couldn't do something outside the box for anything for a while... Times have a-changed!

  17. Replies
    1. Me, too! I want to say Layla did a green holo for their second collection but I've yet to see it.


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