
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Zoya Fall 2013 Cashmeres + Maria Luisa

*press sample

Zoya Fall 2013 Cashmeres + Maria Luisa swatch and review

Hi friends!!  The fall Zoya cremes do it for me every time with their beautiful and classic shades.  This year's collection of Cashmeres *might* be prettier than last year's Designer collection, and I seriously didn't think that was possible.  I'll keep from being repetitive and say the formula on all six cremes is very nice, some better than others, but all in all, some of the smoothest cremes I've applied.  All went on perfectly in two coats.  That gold lamé looking thing is Zoya Maria Luisa, a gold cellophane in a clear base topper from the Satins collection (thanks Candice for your inspiration ♥). I used one coat of Maria Luisa over each creme.  And now, on with the show.

First up is Pepper, a rich brick red. LOVE.  It's an amazingly auntumnal red with enough brown to keep it from veering into vampy territory (NO!!  TOO SEXY!!!!) but it's still got that striking quality of a true classic.

Zoya Pepper

 Maria Luisa over Pepper.  Here's what's cool about Maria Luisa-- it's a little along the lines of those luxe goldleaf flakies from last year but it has more dimension.  It's a richer color while also being more sheer and subtle, so it actually complements its base color a little better.  The cellophane bits have a slightly opalescent quality and flash a little pearly green from time to time.  I like it.  I was so besotted with this spring's shimmery gold topper, OPI's OY-Another Polish Joke, (still am!) and I think Maria Luisa will be just as fun to try over different bases.  It certainly adds a fun and festive dimension to the Cashmeres. 

Zoya Maria Luisa + Zoya Pepper

Flynn, a warm and cozy camel.  I adore this name and its nod to Hollywood bad boy of old Errol Flynn.  I'm so impressed with this formula.  Zoya's not the most awesome when it comes to light cremes but this one is fantastic, in opacity and application. 

Zoya Flynn

 Maria Luisa over Flynn.

Zoya Maria Luisa + Zoya Flynn

Sailor, a lightly smoky indigo blue.  I cannot get enough of this kind of shade. 

Zoya Sailor

 Maria Luisa over Sailor.

Zoya Maria Luisa + Zoya Sailor

Hunter, a deep forest green.  This formula gave me the most trouble-- it's a little on the thin side, but that's only in comparison to the rest of the collection.  It's almost a non-issue but in light of how great the rest of these are, I felt it worth mentioning.

Zoya Hunter

 Maria Luisa over Hunter.

Louise, a delectable dark chocolate.  This one reminds me of my favorite from last fall's L'Oreal New York Nudes collection, Brownie Points, but with a better formula.

Zoya Louise

Maria Luisa over Louise.

Zoya Maria Luisa + Zoya Louise

Livingston, a lively blue-red.  Dr. Livingston, I presume?  Love this name, too, lolol. :)

Zoya Livingston

 Maria Luisa over Livingston.

Zoya Maria Luisa + Zoya Livingston

Gorgeous, all of them-- not a dud in the bunch.  My must haves from the Cashmere collection are Pepper, Flynn, and Louise, but my favorite has to be Livingston.  I love my reds and this one is fantastic.  It's almost not red, it's got so much blue in it, and while it seems a little discordant in this collection, its brightness is in line with another fall trend this year.  It's a lively and fun red and perfect for jazzing up your nails when the deeper shades have you yearning for a little spark.

The Zoya Cashmeres are available for $8 each on  Like Zoya on facebook to stay up to date on specials.

Thank you for reading and have a fantastic day!! ♥
*press sample


  1. What a great post Liesl! I love how you showed the glitter topper on each one. Your photos are so consistent. Great job and thanks for the hard work ;)

    1. Thank you so much, friend ♥ The uniformity *might* be an accident, lol.

  2. These are all great creme shades for the fall! Love all the swatches :)

    1. Thanks so much, Lisa! They're all wonderful shades.

  3. Wow, wow, wow!!! They are all so incredibly gorgeous!!

    1. Thanks for saying ♥ They are amazingly gorgeous!

  4. Great post, Liesl! All the cremes look fantastic on you, and Maria Luisa is just so versatile! Every combo I see with Maria Luisa on top, I just love! :)

    ~ Yun

    1. Isn't ML cool? :) Kinda makes me glad I never shelled out for the gold flakies because I like this look a lot better.

  5. Awesome everything! I love Sailor!

    1. Thanks, girlie! :) Sailor is awesome. Never enough smoky blues.

  6. Fantastic post! What a great job on these lovely swatches. And I need Maria Luisa in my life. It looks smashing over every single one...especially Sailor. That combo has won my heart. <3<3<3

    1. I really like it over Sailor, too. I've been wearing it over Livingston for the past couple days, though, and thoroughly enjoying it. Thank you for the loverly compliment! <3

  7. Gorgeous swatches, as always. Must have Pepper, plus I love the name...reminds me of Pepper Potts!

    1. Yes!! I'm not a big Geyneth Paltrow fan but I love the movies and I like that character, and the color is fabulous. It might have been the first to jump out at me, I don't quite remembet, lol. And thank you <3

  8. Whew, as awesome as your swatches are...I don't feel the overwhelming urge to buy this collection (well maybe Pepper and Maria Luisa). I love that topper.

    1. They're not exactly innovative but I just ADORE the classic colors of fall :) I know Zoya's cremes don't send everyone. I wish they'd do a fall glassfleck collection. Maria Luisa is cool, though, I've been loving it over Livingston the past couple days :)

  9. Essie is RIGHT! Your swatches are soooo perfect & consistent! You're right up there with The PolishAholic, m'dear!!
    Mmm, I'm diggin' reminds me ever so slightly of Julep Nan, even though I know they're really not close at all! I don't know why I'm lemming Nan so badly!

    1. Ermahgersh!! Seriously?!? I, like, want to copy and paste your comment in every fb polish group I'm on, lolol. But seriously... You're being waaaay too kind.
      Nan is that reddish one, right? I've been obsessed with it, too, wishing I hadn't skipped the month but also remembering just how much Julep's formula and I do not get along....

  10. Hi sis - yours truly bows head in awe over this great post!!! You have everything in it I want to know about a new collection and the photos are perrrrrfect!!! I love Zoya for their complementary collections and I rather have one bright classic red in a Fall Collection than a ton of "variations" of a darkened plum, darkened purple and so on!!! Louise would be my favorite out of the bunch - it is adding so much of everything to any cream!! There will be none of them for me though - got myself three BL yesterday so that has to be enough ;-) xxx

    1. I so agree, Zoya's always got the most beautifully cohesive collections. I'm also with you on the classic red vs. varying shades of plum, but we're both more into reds, anyway (though I loooove wearing royal and deep purple clothes and accessories, it's just not my fave polish color). OMGosh, I can't wait to see your new Butters! I love predicting what you're going to get, tee hee :)

    2. Oh I am soooo curious about what you guess!!! But one of the ordered is WRONG!!! I realized only this morning that I went for the wrong one :-( and it is shipped - too late to change - double :-(! But then maybe I will like it anyhow... I am now super anxious to get them :-D

    3. Oh no! Did you go through Pshiiiiit again? If you contacted her, would she provide you the service if you paid for postage? Maybe that's not even worth it... well, you might end up with an unexpected favorite. And that throws a wrench into my guess, too, lol. How many did you get? I'm going to guess Inky Six, Brown Sugar, and/or Cake-Hole.

  11. perfect shades for fall... lovely swatches :)

    1. Thanks, sweets :) They are perfect for fall :)

  12. Oooh I see some lacquers I want to add to my stash here! :D Nice swatches as always ;)

    1. Thanks, Gwen :) You look like a Flynn and Livingston gal, too, yes?

  13. Great swatches! This is such a "fall" collection and I love the rich colors.

    1. Thank you!! I love these rich, traditional colors too, immensely.

  14. Gorgeous swatches, love the rich fall colors. Zoya generally puts together such nice classic fall shades and I love the way you've swatched them here. Love the gold cellophane topper... I wonder how it compares to Essie As Gold As It Gets. Would love to see it over a purple! =)

    1. Over a purple, eh? Sounds like a football mani in the making :) I don't have As Gold As It Gets but I want to say that one's made with mylar flakies and they have even more iridescence to them... Now I'm curious!

  15. Fantastic photos and a very informative post. One day my posts will behalf this good.

    1. Thanks, sweets :) I actually felt like these were all some of the worst swatches I've done in a while, and on my first big collection post, no less, so your words mean a lot to me ♥♥

  16. Sailor and Flynn look like must have For me!

    1. Cool!! :) I kind of adore Flynn and blues like Sailor are always classy.

  17. Replies
    1. Thank you :) :) I think I'm pretty much ready, too.


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