
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sally Hansen Lustre Shine Lava

  Happy Caturday, everyone!!  I don't think the Sally Hansen Lustre Shine duochrome collection is more than a year old, yet it seems it's being yanked from the lineup.  The colors weren't groundbreaking in any way, in fact three of them were copies of the China Glaze Bohemian collection (which contained copies of the Deborah Lippmann Mirrored Chrome collection, all of which contained a Peridot dupe and as much as I love my three, even I have my limits), but for Lava, which was rumored to be a copy of discontinued MAC polish Bad Fairy, but EVEN MOAR awesome. (Hey Emily, how's that for a run-on?! XD)

  Anyway, I have this thing against paying the same amount for a drugstore polish what I would for a Zoya, so much picking up and putting down of Lava occurred within the past 12 or so months.  Then, they turn up at one of my local watering holes with clearance tags on them, and $3.49 is a perfectly acceptable price to pay for a drugstore duochrome.  So this is what I've been sporting on my nailses for the past couple days, and ZOMGOSHHHHH I LOVE THIS POLISH SO MUCH!!!!  Not only is it an incredibly powerful bright retro pink to gold shifter, it's a glassfleck.  So, it's got a jelly base and a tremendous amount of sparkle and glow.  Observe.

Sally Hansen Lustre Shine Lava

Sally Hansen Lustre Shine Lava swatch and review

Sally Hansen Lustre Shine Lava swatch and review

Sally Hansen Lustre Shine Lava swatch and review

  I used three coats of polish and one layer of topcoat, if you want to know.  Right now my second biggest thought regarding Lava is, YYY does SH insist on discontinuing their most awesome duochromes?!  My first thought is how completely and beautifully wearable this is!  Special effects polishes do not always make for the most put together looks but this gold and retro rose duo is quite neutral, and attention grabbing, on top of it.  Check out your favorite drugstores and get yourselves a bottle of this before it goes the way of the Nail Prisms and won't be had for under $40, lol.

  Thanks for reading and have a lovely day!! ♥


  1. I have this and I just love it! Its certainly worth careful application and several coats to build up the effect. Great images!

    1. Thank you so much! I didn't feel like I had any issues at all, just the typical three coats for glassfleck opacity... maybe I'm just lucky, lol :)

  2. I have this too and I fall in love all over again every time I see it! It's so sparkly and blowy. Auuuuugh, swoon!

    1. Do it, SOON! Because on the nail... ♥♥♥♥♥

  3. This is so different from anything I've seen lately! Gorgeous!

    1. Right?! Like, why do all these purple to green shifters always seem to be floating around but nothing else? So odd, lol.

  4. Love this! I need to go dig it out of my untried pile.

  5. It's super pretty.. I too have picked it up and put it back. I don't know if I want it because it's been hyped up or if it's really something I would wear lol

    1. That was part of my hesitancy to pick it up in the first place, because I couldn't see myself wearing it, so I'm glad it dropped to a price I could no longer resist because it's fantastic! I wore it three days straight and that never happens. There's just something about it.

  6. Hahahaha!!! YUP that was one heck of a run-on sentence my dear!! And awww you tagged me/linked to my blog in it! :D But is it just me or did you use the word "dupe?!" :O Copy is a nice euphemism for it though. Ever since you mentioned your distaste for that word, I try to use synonyms instead, out of respect for you. :)
    You're blowing my mind with how much this looks like MAC's Bad Fairy!! :O And on your perfect nails, this looks especially stunning, methinks. :D
    I actually bought Firefly many months ago, but promptly returned it because I didn't see hardly any shift like in the bottle. This one though just might be the diamond in the rough and worth getting, like you said, before they go the way of those Prisms. ;)

    1. You're so nice, Em. Was I the one who initially said I didn't like "dupe"? I think I agreed, but I know I've used it before. I think it was Mo who doesn't like it, at all... well, I don't, either, I think there are more elegant terms to be used but sometimes I let slip be cause, well, that's what it is and I'm not in the mood to consult the thesaurus, lol ♥♥
      Check out Polishaholic's Lava vs. Bad Fairy post, they're actually quite different and unless you're dying for the d/c'd original, this ones the prettier one...but that's probably subjective, too. As far as the whole LC collection is concerned, Lava is viewed pretty much across the board as the standout, with Copperhead running a somewhat distant second. Regardless, I don't mind, in fact I rather like, a subtle shifter, but I don't need copies upon copies, even of Peridot lookalikes. (Three seems to be enough, for the moment :D).

  7. You're right...this will probably go the way of the Nail Prisms. Better buy up to sell in 5 years on Ebay! :P I love my Lava as well...and I think I want to break down and get Scarab too. The shift is fabulous, and that name is so perfect for this fiery perfection. <3 It looks beautiful with your skin too.

    1. Ooh, you're right, I should stock up!! I hope you do get Scarab (or did, on your weekend outing :D). It would look just SO COOL on your pretty talons.

  8. Ahhhh here I see finally "le" Lava - I heard about this only in my comment section and kept wanting to check pictures!!! What a beauty and you captured all of the facets just wonderfully. And you sure are spot on - some of those Indies just don't qualify as classy for any occasion while the Illustre Shines certainly do without loosing any of their omph - great post sis <3

    1. Well, there is that strong gold shift that I wanted to include a shot of, but this shape does not lend itself well to creative angle shots. So know there's one particular gold-heavy angle that isn't present here. The color looked great but my nails so odd, lol. And that's the thing with this particular duochrome...uh...duo, and with the more subtle shifters. They're still so cool and interesting but for those of us in a certain mindset, they fit beautifully with the idea of a look as a cohesive and classic unit. I hope that makes sense.

  9. Replies
    1. It shore is!!! :D You gonna get it?! I don't think I've ever seen a shifter on you, either!

  10. I absolutely love this polish... it remains one of my all-time favs. The only down side is that the bottle isn't that big and every time I use it, the level goes down a noticeable amount, so I've been saving it for special occasions lol. :D

    ~ Yun

    1. It does seem to diminish quickly... methinks a backup bottle is in order for both of us :)


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