
Monday, January 27, 2014

GlitterDaze Rainbow Bridge and An Exciting Weekend ♥♥

  Hi everyone!!  Some of you might remember back around Thanksgiving, C and I made the decision to let our little Sally Cat pass on to the next realm.  Here's my post about it.  That week, I bought a bottle of GlitterDaze Rainbow Bridge, a polish GlitterDaze creator Sana made in memoriam of her own beloved pet.  I've been holding onto it, waiting for the right opportunity to wear it.  I didn't want it to be entirely associated with sadness and wear it with a heavy heart-- I wanted to be at a point where I knew my own heart was healing and that I could wear it in the true spirit of Sally and the beautiful piece of prose it references (also copied in aforementioned post).  Yesterday C and I adopted a new little cat-- she's a little over two and a half years old, a little bit shy, very sweet, and has a touch of attitude.  She's nine and a half pounds of black and white fluff, and C says she looks like a tribble.  After much discussion, we decided to name her Geddy.  Right now, she's hanging out in the bathroom window, one of Sally's very favorite spots in her last weeks.  It feels good to be a two cat household again and the Baby Beau is happy to have another one of his own around.  Geddy has some immediate and obvious similarities to our Sally and I think our baby cat might have even approved of her.  As little Geddy Cat completely took over and napped on my pillow last night, as Sal had done so many times, it felt like the perfect time to finally wear Rainbow Bridge.

Glitter Daze Rainbow Bridge

Glitter Daze Rainbow Bridge

Glitter Daze Rainbow Bridge

  Rainbow Bridge is a fairly densely packed multicolored, multishaped glitter in a clear base-- red, gold, teal, purple, green, fuschia, orange, and silver hexes and small dots, and silver and gold stars.  The stars don't come out very readily, as is to be expected with large glitters.  It's got no application issues-- it's a pretty, minimal fuss topper and it warms my heart :) I used one coat of Rainbow Bridge over OPI Barre My Soul, topped with two layers of HK Girl Glisten & Glow topcoat.  One of the coolest things about this glitter is that the proceeds go to charity.  Check out Rainbow Bridge here, on the GlitterDaze website for details.

  And, here are some shots of Geddy, before and after I brought her home (C insisted I go get her by myself, so we could bond ♥♥).


  My heart is happy and I'm having fun getting to know this little ball of fur ♥
  Thank you for reading and have a beautiful day!!


  1. Congratulations, she is beautiful!! And the nail polish too ;)

    1. Elin, thank you so much ♥♥ Both are beautiful, lol :)

  2. Aww your new cat is precious! Wonderful glitter too :)

    1. Thanks Lisa :) She's a sweetheart! And I dig this glitter, like, a lot :)

  3. Yay congrats on your new kitty! She's so cute! <3
    That polish is really fun. I love how you layered it over a nude... it makes all the colors pop! :D

    ~ Yun

    1. My favorite way to wear colorful glitters is over pale jellies, because I agree, they've got nothing to compete with. And thank you... she is a doll ♥

  4. Aww, this was such a sweet post. I am so happy that you have a new addition in your life and it seems like you guys are the perfect match. Your nails look great too.

    1. Thank you, Stephanie ♥♥ I hope so. She's still getting the hang of the place but for two days in, she's doing really well.

  5. Aww, what a cutie <3
    I didn't remember reading about Sally Cat, but I'm sorry to hear. It's so hard to say good-bye. I'm glad that you are ready to share your love with another cat. Especially one that's not a kitten...they tend to get passed over. I know you guys will make a great bond!!

    1. Thanks sweets ♥ We had actually originally planned on a kitten for the simple fact that they're so easily moldable. But, when you have a feeling, you have a feeling! I've always wanted a black poofy and her sweet, shy little personality made her impossible to resist. ♥

  6. I like it, that the glitter has also stars in it. Your cat is gorgeous!

    1. Yes, the stars!! I love those, too :) And thank you ♥♥

  7. I was so happy to see the first picture of Geddy on IG - you definitely classify as two furballs household!!! And she is such a cutie!!! And how smug and proud she is on your arms. I love your Sal dedicated glitter and it is so appropriate - it looks beautiful on your nails xxx

    1. Lol, we do :) It's been fun having some one on one time with The Baby Beau, though he's glad to have another one of his own in the house, too :) Smug and proud is all smoke and mirrors, lol ;) She's a love but she's a little scaredy cat, lol. Now we have two of those. And thank you ♥♥

  8. What a beautiful cat Geddy is! She looks like she has the sweetest face! Last year was a rough year for us having to deal with the Rainbow Bridge ourselves. We don't have any pets here but at my mom's we have 4 cats. Stanley II ( he was named after my Stanley I had when I was little, truly the greatest cat I ever had ) passed away and he was the most kind, mild-mannered cat you would ever come across. Always so loving and affectionate. I'm so glad to hear that Geddy is adjusting well. Even though she could never take Sally's place in your heart, sounds like she knows exactly what to do to fill that empty void and create her own space in your heart!!

    Rainbow Bridge is beautiful on you! I'm so glad you've come to a point where you feel you could wear it! Barre My Soul is breathtaking, I never ended up getting any of the Ballet collection and kick myself!!

    1. Aw ♥ I love that your family carried on the name Stanley. Cats like that are hard to come by and you had two :) It takes a little piece of you when you lose a pet and when it's such a sweetheart like Stanley, that makes it ALL the more difficult... Hugs to you and your mom.
      Geddy's getting more and more comfortable-- she actually sat on my lap this morning, purring away, but she's so curious about her new surroundings that it lasted for about a minute, lol.
      Ahh the Ballet collection... the thing is, unless you're TOTALLY OBSESSED with acquiring a certain color, buying from older collections sometimes feels irrelevant...different from having it in your stash already, but I just can't bring myself to buy any older OPIs unless they bear the Black Label, muahaha. It must be my blogger showing, lol. That said, the Ballet collection remains one of my favorites EVARRR!!!

  9. Heehee I love her one little white spot on her face. What a gorgeous cat and congrats on your new bebe :)

    That polish is absolutely beautiful! And what a great time to wear it :)

    1. I know, her little half of a mustache ♥♥ She is a pretty little thing. Thank you Julie ♥

  10. I love her little white spot on her face! She looks like the queen of the place already and I love the shot of you holding her. What a great name you gave her!

    Rainbow Bridge is gorgeous! So glad you're able to wear it and have happy memories.

    1. Isn't that the cutest?! She's seriously just so adorable :) :) Re. the name, we were going through some ideas and magically agreed on Geddy...actually, it was C's idea, which is funny because he's not a Rush fan at all (I'm a tad obsessed).
      Thank you Ali ♥♥

  11. Beautiful baby Liesl! I am so happy for you and your newest family member! That last picture Geddy looks like a cat who knows her place... aka the Queen! lol Fitting and beautiful polish.

    1. Thank you Karen ♥♥ She is a doll and for her initial shyness and jumpiness she does have an air about her, lol :)


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