
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Wantable Accessories Box-- January

  Hi everyone!!  You've probably heard of Wantable, a subscription service providing a choice of makeup, intimates, or accessories boxes, by now.  It's pretty basic-- you fill out a questionnaire based on your style and tastes, and you get three to four pieces selected just for you.  I got the accessories box back in September and I absolutely loved what I got (full post here)-- pieces that were totally me, but that I might not have been adventurous enough to choose myself.  I've been wanting to give the service another shot ever since.

Wantable accessories box January 2014

  The box, with a return address label stating Wisconsin, arrived at my Oregon address in record time.  I ordered on a Saturday morning and the box was here by Tuesday night.  Amazing.
  Each box is filled with three or four pieces, that are supposed to retail for $80 to $100 (this was on their site at one point but no longer is; my box of three pieces rang in at $78 full retail).  The whole premise is that you fill out the detailed questionnaire rating items, finishes, themes, and styles with a love, like, or dislike.  You are most likely to get pieces you "love" and you won't get anything you "dislike".  I was very specific for my first box, so I tried to branch out a little more with this one and avoid getting the same general items (I first got a scarf, sunglasses, and earrings; I was hoping for a necklace and a watch this time around).  My invoice contains a list of my loves, likes, and dislikes-- here's what I chose.

Wantable accessories box January 2014

  The first time I did this, everything I got was on my "love" list, from item to style to finish.  This time was largely "like" and I got another scarf, which despite it being my favorite piece of the box, I wasn't thrilled about, as I have plenty and wasn't really in the market for another.  I received paste stone earrings, which, while nice in their own right, were not doing anything for me, and a steampunk style ring of which I can only attribute to the Mix 'n Match style option I "liked" this time.  My first box was a hit and sadly, this one was definitely a miss.

Wantable accessories box January 2014

Wantable accessories box January 2014

  I was disappointed all around and looked into getting a refund.  One of the best things about Wantable is their risk free return policy.  If you don't like your box, you get to send it back, on them.  I emailed their customer service team and was immediately emailed back a return sticker (which I couldn't print out just yet because I needed to buy some more toner, lol).  I decided to peruse another return feature, that being the choice to return part of your box.  I'd decided the scarf, a thin and quite stylish piece with a big and neutral floral print, was worth keeping, and maybe the earrings were, too.  So the box costs $36 to $40, depending on whether or not you're signed up for the monthly service (I'm not).  Here's where it gets tricky.  I could return the ring, but I wouldn't get an actual refund because the total retail value of the two remaining pieces still exceeded $40.  Make sense?  So I looked at returning the earrings, as well.  That would have yielded me a refund of $12 and I would have kept the scarf at full retail, which wasn't worth it to me based on principle.
  Well, I procrastinated in getting toner long enough that I'd decided I had to have the scarf and the earrings in my life, and I had no good reason to return the ring for nothing-- maybe it'd grow on me, too.  Here are some shots of the scarf and earrings in action ( I have a lot to learn about being a good model, lolol).

Wantable accessories box January 2014

Wantable accessories box January 2014

Wantable accessories box January 2014

Wantable accessories box January 2014

   I love how the earrings and the scarf look together.  Both are outside the norm for me, and while I would not pick out paste jewelry for myself, the earrings are really fun to have in my wardrobe-- definitely something different and statement.  The scarf-- well, I'm beginning to believe you just can't have too many and both the scarves I've received from Wantable have been fantastic, and I'm really feeling big and soft floral prints right now as a result.  Funny story, though-- I happened past the accessories department at Fred Meyer yesterday, and there was my scarf!  The retail price is the same, but, if you know anything about Fred Meyer's apparel and accessories departments, they very rarely sell at retail.  This scarf was on a promotion for under $20.  So that drives the value of this particular box down even more, since I still cannot bend my head around that ring....

Wantable accessories box January 2014

  The service is FUN, though.  Having someone else shop for you is exciting and the misses, should you choose to keep them, can easily turn into conversation pieces.  Wantable isn't a box I'd get every month, but I will do it again.
  In case you're interested, here's where you can find Wantable.

  Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!! ♥♥


  1. What a interesting box! Never heard of them but it sounds fun. The pieces of jewelry aren't something I would wear but it looks great on you :)

    1. Thanks, Lisa! It is totally fun, and awesome how tailored to your own tastes it is. My friend Candice of Mommy Does Her Nails fame also got a box, and it was interesting to see how our selections differed.

  2. Sorry this was a miss for you. I actually kind of like the ring though and I think the earrings looks good on you.

    1. Thanks sweets :) It actually wasn't a miss, though, as I stated at the end; the ring has yet to send me but I have worn it and probably will again. I dig the scarf and the earrings, though :)

  3. I really like the scarf! The other two items I probably wouldn't wear though.. too bad it was such a miss.

    1. The earrings actually really grew on me and I adore how they look with the scarf. They're just begging for an updo, lol.

  4. I love this concept of how you can compose your boxes, you do get introduced to stuff you might have not considered getting for yourself before! You combine this shawl perfectly and the earrings look great with your hair and that combination of coat and scarf. My favorite is the ring though - I am really into tools and have an unfemininely large collection of them ;-P - love your pics xxx

    1. Do you really? You're so multifaceted, my friend :) I bet you know how to use them all, too.
      Yes, the concept of this box is totally fun and inspiring and the two times I've gotten one have left me excited to do another. My photos, lol... a fashion model I'm not and I had a mind to do them over as they're all a little awkward in their own way but, I'm sorry, who has time? lol. They're real ;)

  5. you could always try swapping the ring for something else on one of the sub box trade groups on facebook or makeuptalk, if you're into that. those earrings look great on you, and so does the scarf!

    jenn @ hello, rigby!

    1. Oh, I'd never thought about that! I'm not a member of any such group but that is a good idea. I've decided to keep it fr the time being. It's a bit uncomfortable to wear but I'm enjoying the conversation piece-ness of it :)

  6. LOL, what a fun story. I love your train of thought and the fact that you shared detail ;) I do love the earrings, but probably wouldn't buy them if I saw them at a store. The scarf is pretty, but it's interesting that you found the same one at a local store. And I hear ya about the ring....not my cup of tea either. I hope you keep doing this just for the fun post! haha

    1. Lolol, thank you :D I was thinking this lends itself much better to vlogging so I may actually attempt to shoot a video next time around (Melissa suggested I start doing that, anyway). There's so much detail in these things that it's impossible to be brief and thorough. And yesh, it was important to point out my procrastinating on buying toner lol ;)

  7. I've been wanting to try this for a while. I really like the scarf and earrings, the ring might grow on me, but i don't know haha, seems like a fun surprise though!

    1. I think, with the knowledge now that it is very it or miss, I could appreciate the surprises a little more, now. I feel my tastes already branching out as a result of this one box, lol ;) Definitely worth at least one try!

  8. What about threading the scarf through the ring? I think that would be pretty & give it a little edge :)

    1. That is a really cool idea! For as thin as the scarf is, though, it's still too thick to fit through the ring. I love the concept, though.

  9. What a delightful post. I totally love it when you do a fashion shoot. :D (Those smiling pics always look so sly, LOL.) And I know a girl in Georgia who wears earrings just like those...I think they look great on you. I was a little surprised that you weren't crazy about them, because I can picture you in a past Art Deco life. :P The ring is a bit on the Home Depot side, but I dare say you pull it off!

    1. Aww, thanks!! I can't get the video thing out of my head since you mentioned it to me and I think next time I get a box I'll show it that way. C is such a good sport, though. I wasn't loving any of the shots I asked him to take and I didn't want to keep bugging him to do more since he'd been so game about the first two "sessions", lol. I think I'm just not used to paste jewelry at all. I used to be soooo picky and never, ever wear costume jewelry but I've definitely learned to see the fun in it. I'm not sure I pull off that ring, as you say, but thank you ♥♥ ;D


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