
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Zoya Magical PixieDusts

*press sample
Zoya Magical PixieDusts

   Happy Sunday, all!!  So most of you've probably at least heard about Zoya's spring collection of PixieDust textured polishes.  The set of three have been touted as holo and I'll just say right off the bat that that's not exactly true.  What these are are three of the standard PixieDust bases filled with holographic hex glitters, sort of like Essie Belugaria, minus the encrusted in stone look.  Apparently these three are pretty hit and miss with people on account of how thick they look on (also not unlike Belugaria).  Rest assured, though, that while the aforementioned and much maligned Essie rulebreaker is as thick and high maintenance as every swatch photo suggests, these three are as easy to wear and to apply as any preceding Pixie.  The formula is wonderful as always and the hex glitters do little to add thickness but a lot in adding a sparkly new dimension.  I used two coats of each polish.

  Cosmo is a crystalline silver polish and because of the very nature of silver, the holo hexes show up most prominently.  It's quite beautiful and indeed magical, despite the fact that I nearly threw my camera and lightbox out the window trying to get a decent shot of it.  In the end, I went with a couple outdoor shots.

Zoya Magical PixieDusts Cosmo swatch and review

Zoya Magical PixieDusts Cosmo swatch and review

  Lux is ga-ga-ga-GORGEOUS and far and away my favorite of these three (and looks the best on me, too).  It's a pale, rosy pink Pixie and if you have any inclination towards pink nail polish, you need this in your life.  It's got a classic, perfect to wear with just about anything vibe.  LOVE.

Zoya Magical PixieDusts Lux swatch and review

Zoya Magical PixieDusts Lux swatch and review

  Vega is an ever so slightly green tinged aqua.  The holo hexes are the least prominent in this one and the formula comes across as the most matte of the three.  It reminds me of a slightly amped up version of last summer's OPI Bond Girl polish, Tiffany Case (full post HERE).  Unlike Tiffany Case, though, Vega won't stain your nails.  Named for the brightest star in any given constellation, Vega and Cosmo should have been juxtaposed, in my opinion.

Zoya Magical PixieDusts Vega swatch and review

Zoya Magical PixieDusts Vega swatch and review

    You probably know by now that I'm a fan of interesting textures anyway, so these are a definite hit for me.  Lux is my must-have out of the set, but if you're looking to grab only one, it's really all a matter of taste.  You'd be happy with any one of these beauties.

  The Magical Pixies retail for $10 each, or $30 for the sampler set of three.

Where to find Zoya

Thank you for reading and enjoy the rest of your weekend!! ♥♥
 *press sample


  1. These look great on your nail shape! I think Lux is the most wearable, looks nice on you!

    1. Thank you so much, Cait! ♥ Lux is the easiest to photograph, too, lol.

  2. I really love your swatches and want them badly now, lol. I love how they look on your nails too :)

    1. Aw, thanks, Lisa! <3 I can't believe they don't send to you. They totally should!

  3. BEST nail shape I've seen for these just fits. Makes you look like The Cosmic Queen of Futuristic Fashionistas. All three colors are Sci-Fi perfection on you. <3

    1. RIGHT ON!! Cosmic Queen is good, lol. I've really been looking forward to wearing some textures on my points, actually. SassyPaints has some awesome shots of the OPI Bond Girls on her stilettos on instagram and they doo look really cool. Anyhoo, thank you!! ♥♥♥

  4. I was waiting for your review ever since I saw those Pixies appearing in the Blog World!!! Great post, great review! LOL for Melissa's sci-fi reference, these really have something futuristic about them. Out of the three Cosmo is my favorite. I think this nailshape really makes all the difference with those three and prevent them from looking caked!!! Have a lovely start of the week xxx

    1. Aw, thanks, sis!! They arrived last Wednesday and I was in the midst of playing with my new GlitterDaze polishes but I couldn't wait any longer for these, lol. Interesting observation about my shape making these look less caked. Maybe I should rewear Belugaria, just to see...

  5. They look cool! Lux looks like OPI Teenage Dream - which is also gorgeous. Great swatches and review!

    1. Thank you!! <3 Somebody else-- Trailerhood Chic, I think? posted a comparison and they are very similar. One if them is brighter and I think it's the OPI.

    2. I'll have to check out the comparison. Thanks! I really like Teenage Dream, but it's all clumpy and dried out for some reason???

    3. Bummer! Do you ever use thinner to fix stuff like that?

  6. Hmmmm I am not too fond of these three. Saves me a little money! ;)

  7. Great, MOAR Zoyas I want!! I absolutely love all 3 on you. Those holo hexes are glorious in their own right too!!

    1. Aren't they?! I didn't think I'd like these much but Lux has quickly become my favorite Pixie. And thank you!! <3

  8. I wasn't very excited about these at first, I thought the chunkier glitter would be horrible, but I was sold the second I tried on Cosmo! It is amazing!!

    1. I'm with you-- the first swatches I saw didn't impress me (Manicurator's bring the exception). They're definitely, like most textured polishes, best experienced irl :)

  9. I just got these and I really have to try them out! they look awesome!

  10. These look so pretty on you! Lux is my pick from the set too... I can never pass up a pink lol. :) Love your nail shape, by the way... don't know if I had a chance to let you know it. It looks especially cool with these textures. :)

    ~ Yun

    1. Luuuuxxxx ♥♥♥ And thank you!! It's a fun shape-- everything is new, lol :)

  11. The way I feel about these three polishes can no longer be put to words. I am JUST blown away by their fabulosity!

    1. I know it! Best Pixies ever. How is that even possible?! lol.


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