
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Maybelline Baby Skin Review/Happy Caturday Poll

  Hi friends!!  I should be working on continuing education credits for work (six more hours due by March 31) but I just can't get my brain in any sort of place to do such a thing.  So, I'm going to try and multitask and get a few things accomplished whilst I sit at the computer this fine afternoon.

  I've been a devotee of Too Faced Primed & Poreless for over a year, but I'm always on the lookout for a drugstore primer that does the job at a fraction of P&P's price.  Maybelline was on sale BOGO 1/2 off at Fred Meyer last week, so I picked up my second tube of the cherry flavored Baby Lips and the new Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser.  I've been curious about the silicone-based primer since reading about it on Pretty Panda Makeup (post HERE, and if you're not following, you should be).
  I tossed the packaging (sorry) but on the front there's a small graphic demonstrating what this product is supposed to do-- in one frame, there's a drawing of a bunch of in-focus dots (your pores) and in the next, the same drawing, but out of focus.  The idea is simple-- this product is supposed to soften and blur the harsh definition of larger pores.  It's meant specifically for those areas, too, so I've been using this as a spot treatment.

Maybelline Baby Skin swatch and review

  As with most primers, a little dab'll do ya, lol, especially if you're only "spot treating".  I used less than a pea sized amount for my t-zone.  As far as its claim, Baby Skin does what it's supposed to do, as demonstrated on my hand shots.  Observe a marked softening of skin lines on my hand in the lower right photo.  It does the same thing on my face.  The problem is that the oily parts of my combination skin did not absorb this at all.  The product sat on top of my skin, and while it did improve the appearance of my pores, it left a thick, semi-powdery-semi-greasy film on all areas it touched, making blotting every couple hours a must and saturating said blotting sheet in the process.  Even so, it helped control oil better than if I had nothing but my daytime moisturizer on.  I think if your skin is normal to dry, this might be a great product, but for me, it's just okay.  I will continue to use it as long as I have the tube, but it's no match for my Primed & Poreless, even at a fraction of the price.

  In other news, check out these blank cds C found for me!  Aren't they cute?  They look like mini 45s.  I get to download ten of my favorite albums onto these.

  Aaaand, question time!!  Feel free to answer as many or as few as you'd like.

  What's your favorite skin primer?  Well, that's easy.  I've tried three and the first one remains the best-- Too Faced Primed & Poreless.

  Least favorite chore?  Washing dishes.  I'd rather clean the bathroom. 

  Do you rotate your shampoos or are you loyal to one specific formula?  I rotate.  My hairdresser taught me that buildup occurs otherwise.  I've noticed literally no difference in my hair in my rotation but I continue to do it, anyway.  I'm currently using either Garnier Fructis for color treated hair or Tresemme for normal hair (BAD, I know, but it smells like apple candy and I have to recolor every 4 to 6 weeks, regardless).

  Chocolate-- white, milk, or dark?  I used to be ALL about white but I've been learning to embrace dark and its many nuances.  Usually, though, I'm happiest with a square of a decent quality milk.

  Doing anything for St. Patrick's Day?  Sadly, no.  My bro-and sis-in-law threw another one of their epic parties last night but it's C's weekend to work, so we stayed home and turned in early.  I'll try and figure out something cute to wear to work on Monday, lol.

  Okay, back to my CE.  I'm now two hours down (hours are relative here, lol), four to go.  Enoy the rest of your weekend and thank you for reading ♥♥


  1. Aww thanks for the mention hun! Glad this worked decently for you! :) But yeah, P&P is really good and this is no the questions: Skin Primer: I recently got a sample of P&P and love it, the Clinique Superprimer is good too, but I do like BabySkin for special events. Least fave chore is washing dishes as well. Ick. I rotate my shampoos as well. I find it gets my hair cleaner? Idk. And I LOVE dark chocolate. I'm not doing anything for St. Paddys. Sadly, haha but I am on Spring Break and I am SO excited. Have a great weekend hun!

  2. I had the same experience with the Baby Skin that you did. It did work as far as blurring the lines and making the larger pores less noticeable but it also allowed my makeup over it to slip and slide and it felt heavy and greasy on. I won't buy it again, but I will use up what I have.

  3. That sounds like a nice face primer. I've never really used one of those before but I should look into one since it seems to help with your makeup being applied on the skin better :)

  4. I just picked this up as well! I usually use Clinique pore eraser, or at least I think that's the name. I was hoping this would be a cheaper option but still work the same. I love the idea of the questions at the end :) Here's my answers:
    I've only tried a Clinique primer.
    Can I say all the chores? Probably dishes or cat litter.
    I rotate shampoos, I think I have three in my shower right now.
    Milk or white but I'm allergic to dairy so I have to eat allergen free chocolate which isn't nearly as good as the real thing.
    I have the most exciting plans ever...wearing green to work ;)

  5. Nice review, makes me want to try it because it's probably much cheaper than the Smashbox primer I used to love to use. :)

  6. Great review Liesl!!! Unfortunately none of those products are available here and overall primers outside the highclass price brands start popping up only now. So far I have more mixed than excellent experiences - my airconditioned workenvironment make me look like a mumie after 4-5 hours. As to your questions:
    1. no primer (see above) but CC Cream. I currently use MAC Prep+Prime CC Cream and YSL CC Cream
    2. Dusting - so boring.....
    3. I am stuck to my beloved L'Oreal Shampoo for fine colored hair
    4. none - Lactose intolerant (highly) IF I could it is Milk Chocolate
    5. and no - we don't do St Patrick's in Switzerland
    Great questions - thanks for asking xxx

  7. Primers make me break out but make foundation slide on better. :/ What's a girl to do?

    1. Bare Minerals Prime Time. I tried Too Faced once and went back to BM.
    2. Cleaning the baseboards. That makes my knees scream.
    3. I alternate between Pantene Volumizing and Chi Magnified Volume. I like big hair.
    4. Milk, and in large volumes. Dark's lack of sugar renders it useless to me. :P
    5. I realized I still had brown nail polish on in the middle of the night. I got up and threw on a green texture and was back in bed by 12:45. Erin Go Exhausted!!

    1. Bahahaha!! :D I totally LOL'd at your "dark's lack of sugar renders it useless to me" comment! And I couldn't agree more!! If you like milk, LINDT MILK CHOCOLATE SEA SALT TRUFFLES ARE TO DIE FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!! You MUST try them, for reals. Just be warned, if they get too warm, the butter-like center will essentially turn to liquid. I didn't realize that had happened, and when a friend of mine tried one for the first time, she said she almost puked because she wasn't expecting the liquidy center! OOPS :P

  8. ooooh i just picked up 'your' primer!!! i hope it works well for me too!!! I rotate shampoos too. ALL chocolate, it's like crack, better or worse, it's still crack! haha =) nothing for st. patty's... can't party on a school night! =(

  9. I just saw this in my Wal-Mart the other day, so naturally I had to read your thoughts on it. ;) I actually don't use any sort of primer. My routine consists of acne coverup (usually the kind that looks just like lipstick) plus Revlon Aquastay mineral powder. I've used that for a few years now and love its staying power even on my uber-oilslick face and it covers pretty darn well if I use spot coverup on the raging red dots. -_- Oh, and the fact that it feels cool & damp when you first touch it to your skin is! hehe
    This Baby Skin stuff clearly does work, as evidenced by your hand swatches, so maybe I'll give it a try at some point. Those cd-R's are really nifty! I think I've seen them before and really liked the retro vibe. :D What a fun surprise from your DH!

    My least favorite thing to clean: everything!!!!! LOLOL
    I usually use one shampoo until it runs out, and maybe switch to something else next time. Surprisingly, Suave's keratin line (specifically the sleek & smooth one) was my fave for a long time as it really helped tame my insane frizzys. Gotta love the price point too!
    LINDT MILK CHOCOLATE SEA SALT TRUFFLES ARE TO DIE FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just discovered them and OMG... :O I could eat a bag a day!
    I worked overtime on St. Patrick's day. ;)
    The end!


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