
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Zoya Awaken Collection

*press sample
Zoya Awaken swatches and review

  Hi friends!!  FINALLY, after so much waiting and inclement weather holdups around the country, the Zoya Awaken Spring 2014 collection has landed, and when they started showing up in our mailboxes, whether as a set or with our spring promos, weren't we all just pretty much stoked to pieces?!  I know I was.  Awaken is a gorgeous and vibrant set of pastel metallic, shimmer, and creme polishes with one iridescent glitter topper that complements each solid color in a unique and lovely way.

  Rebel is a medium toned sky blue shade, heavy on the silver shimmer.  This is where Zoya's formula really shines-- Rebel practically applies itself and is perfect in two coats.  Shown with Monet, the iridescent glitter topper, on ring and pinky, one layer of topcoat over each.  
  Monet is a great concept.  It's a sheer, pale pink jelly base filled with iridescent hex glitters that simultaneously flash every shade of this collection.  The base shows up clear, and so does not alter the color of the solid underneath.  Monet is very thick and requires a little maneuvering to evenly apply the glitters.  The thickness also mean that it can be a little bit pocky in appearance, as the glitters sink down into the base.  Monet is also highly prone to air bubbles, which are least noticeable over the shimmery polishes.  

Zoya Rebel swatch and review

Zoya Monet swatch and review

  Hudson is a medium toned and warm shade of violet purple, also heavy on the silver shimmer, and also with a fantastic formula.  Shown in two coats with Monet on ring and pinky, and one layer of topcoat.  This is my favorite Monet duo-- the purple highlights the iridescent flashes in such a flattering way.

Zoya Hudson swatch and review

Zoya Monet swatch and review

  Dillon is the third and final shimmer in the set-- it's a medium seafoam green with the same silver shimmer and amazing formula; shown in two coats.  I really like how Monet complements this one, as well-- the gold flash of the glitter is really brought to the forefront.

Zoya Dillon swatch and review

Zoya Dillon swatch and review

  Brooklyn... ahh, Brooklyn, how I wanted to love this one.  I am usually a big ol' sucker for gold polishes and this one looks pretty sweet in the bottle-- it's a pale and very yellow iteration with a small amount of monochromatic, light blue, and light pink microshimmer.  In the bottle, Brooklyn looks smooth and fantastic.  It applied a little patchy and brushstrokey, though, albeit with typical Zoya ease, and Monet was a mess over it.  I used two coats, Monet on ring and pinky, and one layer of topcoat over each.

Zoya Brooklyn swatch and review

Zoya Brooklyn swatch and review

  Cole is my favorite of the set, a warm peach creme just a little more saturated and a little brighter than what I'm used to seeing.  I feel like cremes tend to be Zoya's weak spot but this one is really nice, on par with the fantastic from start to finish Naturel collection (full post HERE).  I used three coats.  I really like how Monet looks over Cole, too. but for those pesky air bubbles.

Zoya Cole swatch and review

Zoya Cole swatch and review

  Finally, Dot, a pale carnation pink crelly (!!!).  I've probably been most excited about this one-- it's a cheerful, light, perfectly and delicately classic spring shade.  It looks pretty fantastic on, too, but... I needed FOUR coats to eliminate all patches and streakiness.  The color really is gorgeous, though, so you be the judge on whether or not so many coats is worth it.  The formula is on the thin side and applying a little extra pressure to the first stroke will help prevent cuticle flooding.  Monet is simply gorgeous over Dot, too, if you can look past the air bubbles.
Zoya Dot swatch and review

Zoya Dot swatch and review

  All in all, it's a pretty solid collection from Zoya, overlooking Monet.  They've done better work on the special effects toppers from fall and winter, Maria Luisa and Mosheen, respectively.  Monet's air bubbles obviously are a lot more noticeable in macro than in real life, so if you're willing to tangle with the formula a little, it really is a pretty accent to any of the colors in this collection.  My choices are Cole and Hudson.

  Monet is available for $10 and the rest of the Awaken collection is available for $9 each.

Where to find Zoya
  As always, thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day!! ♥♥
*press sample


  1. What a pretty collection! I really like the shimmers in this one and I love that you layered that glitter over every color too.

    1. Thanks, Lisa! I had to do the layering thing, otherwise what's the point, right? ;)

  2. I have Dot and love it! I really want Monet, its not terribly amazing to me, but I want it for the name. I did a thesis on him and its like kinda close to my heart and all that haha :)

    1. Well, you totally have to get it for the association. It is very water lily-ish in color, don't you think?

  3. Hi Liesl, gorgeous review and what a pretty spring collection by Zoya, they really captured spring in bottles! Bummer about the formula of the creams and Monet though. Since they retail here for nearly as much as BL I give this collection a pass though and continue to admire it on your nails ;-) xxx

    1. Thanks, sis ♥♥ Pastels are certainly most polarizing. Cole is really nice but for the price you'd have to pay, I'd probably stick with just that one. Most peaches wash me out but this one's just warm and dark enough.

  4. Dot is darling and Dillon is dynamite...and I adore alliteration! :D Seriously, your pics of Dot are perfect and make me not care about the multiple coats required. I love mint too, but mint with Zoya shimmer is amazing. And it's a shame Brooklyn is streaky because it looks like buttercream frosting. <3 Not really keen on's a great idea, but it looks sink-y...and maybe like something's missing? Beautiful pics as always.

    1. Alliteration is amazing, as is assonance, alternately... good grief, lol. ;p Monet is pocky looking, which is a bummer. The concept is lovely and it just looks so darned pretty next to the other bottles! I'm not sure why the faeries that be thought the base needed to be that thick. Dillon is pretty cool. You're talking me into that one. I can't usually wear mints, either, but this one's just dark enough for my complexion.

  5. This is a gorgeous collection! Dillon caught my eye as soon as I saw the press release, a mint foil!! I can't believe how pretty it looks on you. I haven't tried any of the colors yet, but I can't wait. The weather has been quite awful here recently, so I'm just waiting for a good sunny day to try everything. :)

    ~ Yun

    1. Well, thanks!! And there you go, further convincing me of the awesomeness that is Dillon. I should have noticed the fabulousness behind a mint colored polish that doesn't pull every last vestige of red from my skin. Any sunny days for you, yet? This weekend's been amazing down thisaway.

  6. I feel like the colors of this collection capture spring nicely, but the collection overall is haphazard. I love love love the shimmers-- I think I might use Zoya's current promo to pick them all up and I like Cole as well (though I agree that Zoya's creme polishes are their weak spot). I don't like Brooklyn at all, in terms of finish or color.

    Monet is a great idea-- too bad the execution was lacking.

    Great review, Liesl!

    1. Thanks, sweets! I'm glad I'm not the only one who's not taken by this set. I think maybe my tastes are becoming more definitive. Re. Monet, it just surprises me how much better the indies are in the glittery topcoat arena. I wish this one worked, because I really do like the idea of it as accents to these colors. It could have really brought the collection to life, you know?

  7. Your swatches are lovely. :) I really wish I could have loved Monet but it's too goopy for me. :( I had to add thinner to mine.

    1. That's actually a really good idea. The thing is, I don't want to have to mess with a polish after I have it in my hot little hands. I want it done right at the source, you know? And thank you :)

  8. Okay, I SWEAR I commented on this post last week, but either I'm going crazy or Blogger is playing tricks on us... hmm... o_O
    My lands, these are ALL beautiful on you!!! And I agree, Monet looks so beautiful *in the bottle,* but over the rest of the collection: WOOF. :P But you definitely gave it more than a fair chance. I seriously cannot get over how bad it looks over Brooklyn especially. That's one hot mess!
    In closing, have I mentioned lately how much I love your babyyy stilletos?! They suit you oh so well, my dear! :D P.S. Cole aka Stella? really is DA BOMB as far as peaches go!

    1. I had half a mind to redo the really bad ones (like Monet + Brooklyn) but I figured I've never been above posting unflattering paint jobs, why start now? And the fact is, I'm not a fan of something from such a big company that requires so much effort to look decent. While I've yet to read a good review on Monet, there are prettier pictures of it but I still don't think it's user error on my part (though the thought did cross my mind). It's just so darned pretty in the bottle! Such a bummer. And thank you, I do love my baby stilettos, and Cole/STELLLLLA, lol. I think it'll actually look quite pretty with some Le Pastille accents :)


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