
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Cult Nails Evolution

  Hi everyone!!  Count me 100% IN on this gorgeous peach polish trend that seems to be happening this spring.  The fact that this season's shades are warm and slightly pink leaning is a big plus and I'm excited that I can actually wear these shades.  Anyway, that's part of what drew me to Cult Nails' new It's A New Day set-- the light and elegant peachy pink creme known as Evolution.

Cult Nails Evolution swatch and review

Cult Nails Evolution swatch and review

  Evolution is comletely gorgeous.  I adore this color.  On top of it, I have never worked with an easier pastel creme.  Evolution is a breeze to apply and I say that comparing it to all polishes in general.  What a fantastic formula!  The only par for the course thing about this polish is the streakiness present in most light cremes.  I used three coats plus one layer of topcoat.

  The thing about Cult Nails collections is this-- your best bet is to jump on the presales and get the full collections at cost, otherwise there's no telling when the colors will resurface (at least, this is my best summation).  Evolution is currently unavailable (as is the whole It's A New Day set) but other LE colors still in stock, as well as the core lineup, are available for sale HERE.

  So I admit that this was not my first idea for a mani last night.  My friend Dani at From Polish, With Love has been nailing her water marbles lately (latest HERE) so I decided to get brave and finally give the technique a shot.  Here are my results.

  Right.  It was as time consuming and messy as I suspected it would be, but, despite the complete and utter fail of my first try, I think I'll keep at it.  It was actually pretty fun-- I was going to stop at one nail if I wasn't pleased (which I wasn't), but I wanted to see what else would happen, lol.  Tip-- probably don't use super light polishes, or maybe read a tutorial first, like, all the way through. 

  Thank you all for reading and have a wonderful day!! ♥ 

**editing to add: All there of the It's A New Day shades are available for purchase individually, now.  It looks like there was just some lag time after the presale shipments.


  1. That is such a pretty pink. I really want to give water marbling a try too so I might have to attempt one soon.

    1. You should! It is fun. Messy, but fun. And you'd probably be one of those who gets it right on the first try <3

  2. LOLOL..."like, all the way through"...that's great. You're braver than me. And lots more energetic. And I love Evolution on you. <3

    1. I've told myself since the get-go that I'd never so all I can say is Just You Wait!! lolol ;) And thank you :)

    2. I also LOL'd at "like, all the way through." :P teehehehe!! YES, I do suppose that would be a good idea! But I heartily congratulate you on trying a water marble (I did it once like, 2 years ago?!) and I did manage some nice swirls (nice enough to wear to work) but nothing spectacular and OHH the MESS. >_< I think next time I'm gonna try someone's suggestion to buy tight-fitting latex gloves and just cut a hole as close to the nail as I can get! Also, I admire your willingness to try it again despite the "fail!" ;) Way to persevere, chica!! :D And SERIOUSLY, did you HAVE to show me the holy grail of peachy pinks (or pinky peaches?) and then tell me there's a 90% chance I won't be able to get it?! :( *momentary sad face Oh well! I am happy that you are able to enjoy the awesomeness for us all!!! ♥ ♥ It is soooo beautiful on your baby points! For reals, yo. :) Hm and knowing me though, I'd be putting a Shimmer on it (Aireanne - sp?) as an accent, or maybe like a holo TC... Northern Lights like Dani just got?! :D It's blingy, yet subtle & very classy - like YOU!

    3. So it is available now. This being my first experience with Cult Nails, I'm trying to get a handle on how they operate (which seems to be a little different from the norm). I made an edit to my post up there. You've got my brain going about possible Shimmer accents, myself!
      Oh gosh, the water marble, lolol. I know I have a shot glass gift from back in the day wrapped up somewhere. I think I'll finally actually use it next time I make an attempt since it sounds like a tiny surface area is the way to go. I don't doubt yours was presentable-- you're one of those who just has a knack for that type of thing ♥

  3. Love this color on you! And I love Cult Nails in general. Very valiant attempt at a water marble, much better at my shameful first one!

    1. I highly doubt yours could be any worse, lol. Didja see all the air bubbles, thickness, and overall unfit for public presentation-ness? ;) Anyhoo, thank you, sweets, I'll certainly be giving it another shot and I hope you do, too!

  4. This peach is perfection! I think you were headed in the right direction, but taping off around you nails is definitely a good way to help with how overwhelming water marbles are. Also I buy jugs of filtered water to use and get much better results. I can't wait to see the next try!!! Also I now kind of want to do a water marble....

    1. I used Aquaphor ointment only because I don't have any petroleum jelly around at present. Do you think tape would work better? Interesting about filtered water, too-- I'll definitely buy a designated jug. I can't wait to see your latest gorgeous creation ♥♥

  5. Evolution is absolutely gorgeous on you! That was the one that stood out the most of that collection to me, I have a soft spot for peaches and corals and that one was right up my alley! I have faith in your water marbles!!! Definitely filtered water. I bought 2 giant jugs of spring water that I keep in my pantry. I've tried tape and vaseline and I like the vaseline better, when I remember to apply it, hhaahaha! Always start from the second bullseye in because the outer always dries first! Those are just some tips that I've found works for me!

    1. I'll definitely have to read your tutorial. I swirled the colors around with a toothpick, maybe I shouldn't have done that? I dunno, I foresee much trial and error but I look forward to the day when I can lead off a post with a water marble, lol. Thanks so much, girlie ♥ I think these three New Day polishes would make a gorgeous marble (and I'm sure it's already been done, lol).

  6. You water marble is a thing of beauty, and we mustn't laugh at it :P But seriously if that is your first try with no tutorial, then I bow to you! You did so well, watermarbles are so hard. I'm excited to see your next attempt!

    While I do like the colours Cult Nails has, they have lost their charm for me. The way she does business just doesn't sit well. Things like only new customers get discounts (what about all her loyal customers?) and I've purchased quite a few of her shades, among other things have turned me off.

    1. Lolol, why thank you!! ;D I was at the point where I knew it wasn't going to stay on, so I didn't even bother with cleanup (obviously, lol). Maybe that would have helped the overall appearance, but then there's the hot mess that is my thumbnail... -_-
      I'm sorry your Cult experience hasn't been so great :( Maria was just fabulous about my first experience so I'm definitely flying high off that still. I thought the discounts were afforded to everyone? Then there's the new Compound Interest thing, which seems beneficial, but I'm still trying to figure it out.


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