
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Zoya Bubbly Collection-- Summer 2014

*press sample

Zoya Bubbly summer 2014 collection swatches and review

  Hi all!!  Zoya's been playing around with those holographic glitters we saw in this spring's Magical Pixies, and to marvelous and extrinsic results.  This summer's effects finish collection, called Bubbly, is a set of six jelly based GLASSFLECKS (thank you, Faeries!!!  From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for another set of glassflecks!), the likes of which haven't been seen since Zoya's Sparkle collection of summer 2010, this time with an extra dimension of color and gleam from the glitters.  That's not where the differences end, though.  The glitters are very small, and while quite obvious, they don't make these polishes troublesomely thick-- rather, they balance out the relative jelly thinness and help make each of these polishes opaque in two, rather than three or more, coats.  Each swatch here is two coats without topcoat. 
  Muse is a deep cerulean blue with a green and golden flash, your requisite summer mermaid polish.  The first thing I thought of when I saw Muse was Charla, from the aforementioned Sparkle collection and one of my favorite Zoyas ever, but Charla has more of a color changing flash and Muse, in addition to the glitters, is a richer blue.  This one's got some out of this world depth.

Zoya Muse swatch and review

Zoya Muse swatch and review

  Alma is a golden orange, light enough that the holo glitters can really make an appearance.  It's in Alma that these glitters really shine to their best advantage.  This one has a remarkably rich appearance for something so light-- think royal garb in ancient Persia.

Zoya Alma swatch and review

Zoya Alma swatch and review

  Harper is a deliciously bright, sugary pink, a slightly different polish from the rest of this set in that it's more opaque-- I'd almost call it a crelly.  Harper's still got that golden glassfleck flash but it lacks the depth of the rest of the set.  It doesn't matter, though-- the lively pink, subtler flash of gold, and bright violet, aqua, and yellow flashes of the glitters are the perfect storm and Harper is a standout among standouts.

Zoya Harper swatch and review

Zoya Harper swatch and review

  Staasi is the requisite green in this set, and if you weren't satisfied with the level of true greenness in Ivanka from the Sparkle collection, or maybe found it a little too close in color to Charla, Staasi will appease you.  Staasi a definite yellow leaning green, both lighter and brighter and all around more summery.  It feels rainforest-y to me, all tropical trees and brightly colored flora.

Zoya Staasi swatch and review

Zoya Bubbly summer 2014 collection swatches and review

  Jesy is the brighter, tangerine leaning sister to Alma.  If the golden tones of the former are not your thing, Jesy's a gorgeous alternate-- it's got that same decadent summer brocade-y thing going on and the glitters play the same fabulously flashy starring role. 

Zoya Jesy Swatch and review

Zoya Jesy swatch and review

  Binx gets the designation of being the one I almost always seek out and gravitate towards-- the most elegantly wearable color in the set.  Binx is an exotic orchid purple with a bit of a rose gold quality to it, enlivened by the glitter and the glassfleck, more Carnivale than ancient middle eastern dynasty.  It's gorgeous.

Zoya Binx swatch and review

Zoya Binx swatch and review

  The formula is the same throughout the collection-- elementary to apply, little to no cleanup.  I had absolutely no problem in the application of any of these polishes.  My choices of this truly outstanding collection are the deep-sea conjuring Muse, the county fair sweet Harper, and the bright, bejeweled Binx.

  The Bubbly collection is available on for $9 each, or $54 for the set of six.

Where to find Zoya
  Thank you for reading, and have a fantastic day!! ♥
*press sample


  1. I love the finishes on these polishes. There so pretty!

    1. I love them, too! The world needs more glassflecks :)

  2. Yay! I'm so excited to see these on your points!! I am absolutely smitten with this collection. I love the way you describe them, you have such a way with words!!!!! I can't wait to play with mine more because they are definitely something else!

    1. Yes, I lived to see another season :) This is a totally gorgeous collection and I'm really excited to see your swatches! And thank you ♥♥

  3. Such a gorgeous collection, cant wait to get my hands on them after seeing your gorgeous swatches!

    1. You're so sweet! I know you'll love these... Seriously, what's not to love?! :)

  4. Muse and Binx are killing me. I'll take every one of these except Alma, and that's only because it reminds me of nacho cheese on fire. Gorgeous photos, and so fantastically written that I could camp out under the canopy of your adjectives forever...:P

    1. Nacho cheese on fire, lololol XD Harkening back to Scrangie's infamous April fool's post and the nacho cheese-esque (but not on fire) Zoya Arizona and why I can't do orange cremes, lol... Anyhoo, thank you so much, this was seriously the most fun I've had doing a big collection post ♥♥ LOVE the thesaurus!!

    2. I was searching for swatches of Binx and spotted your sexy points in a New York minute. Between your description and Melissa's comment, I feel like such an amateur with words. I love the way you guys write & will happily hang out in both of your canopies forever! LOL

    3. Lol, right on! You are great with words, dahling, we all have our own style. However, you are both welcome to hang under my canopy any time :D

  5. Hi sis - gorgeous, stunning, beautiful - I am running short of adjectives now! A wonderful comprehensive yet diverse collection to come as a whole though offering something for everybody!!! LOL re Melissa's food terminology: nacho cheese on fire!!! To me the set looks like a Sari cut into snippets and drenched in clear polish!!! Awesome review xxxx

    1. That's what struck me as I finished writing them up,just how diverse these colors and feels really are. I do think holding oneself to two coats is imperative because three makes the whole thing too thick and takes away from that lovely glassfleck finish. I agree with your sari summation-- so many exotic locales these beauties call to mind and I think that's just wonderful :)

  6. Ah, this collection is gorgeous, especially so in your stunning swatches. And I loved reading your descriptions too... you have such a way with words! I love Zoya's glass flecks normally, but these are even more awesome due to the holo glitters! I can't wait to try all of these colors. :D

    ~ Yun

    1. And I can't wait to see your swatches!! I'm trying to guess your favorite. It's interesting, the holo glitters could've totally made these go the other way and in too many coats, it sort of becomes apparent but in two coats it's perfection. I love this collection so, SO MUCH, lol. I'm wearing Harper right now :)

    2. Hehe I was trying to guess my favorite too. It'll be a close call, I reckon. Harper is definitely a contender. I think I'll wear Staasi first because it's been too long since I've had a green on my fingers hehe. :) Good point about too many coats making the glitters overwhelming. But they look really perfect with the two coats in your pictures.

  7. These are just beautiful. How in the heck does Zoya come up with so many unique colors and combinations? You would think they have thought of everything by now. You show them perfectly!

    1. Thank you!! ♥♥ These are pretty amazing. I can't believe no one's talking about the fact that they're glassflecks! Everyone's honing in on the glitter. And yes, Zoya is good-- definitely one of the most creative companies out there.


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