
Monday, May 19, 2014

Notd Swatch Spam!!

  *contains press sample(s)
  Hi everyone!!  It's been a busy week and and even busier weekend, but even though I didn't find the time to knock out a full post, sometimes it just feels wrong to not take a bunch of manicure photos, lol.  I thought I'd play around with hand poses and a black background.

Esmaltes da Kelly I Love Zombies swatch
Esmaltes da Kelly I Love Zombies (full review HERE).

Butter London Snog (full review HERE).

Zoya Belinda swatch

Zoya Belinda (full review HERE).

  The primary occupying force of the weekend was my baby sister's surprise birthday party.  Her reaction walking through her front door (though she didn't quite make it the first time through, lol) was priceless.  Here's one of my favorite shots of the day, one C took of my awesome niece Ali and me.

  Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!! ♥
*contains press samples


  1. Some nice colors you sported!

  2. I love all these on you...especially Snog. <3 And I like the black background as well. Makes you seem even more mysterious.

    1. And how gorgie is that pic of you and your niece?? <3

    2. Mysterious, eh? :) It's too bad I can't get a color accurate shot against black, because I prefer it to white. And thank you ♥♥

  3. Happy Birthday to your little seester and what a lovely niece you have!! Her socks are awesome. I'm all about the funky socks!!! I love toe socks too but haven't found those in ages but maybe I'm not looking hard enough. ANYWHO.....I love these new bottle shots! Very Artsy Fartsy ;-) The shimmer in Zoya Belinda is magical and I love that you have your index finger on the top of the brush handle. I think that can really give a nice dimension to a polish, especially a duo- or multichrome!!!

    1. Thank you :) :) She had taken off her shoes to demonstrate that she's almost taller than me (not quite, lol). I love funky socks, too! I used to HAVE to wear only black socks but seriously, only in the executive world does anyone care that much about your socks matching your shoes, or your pants, or whatever. lol. Also, I just noticed that there isa cat hair between my index and middle finger in the Belinda shot XD

  4. Liesl, you look amazing in those yellow pants, such an awesome picture!

    1. Thanks, doll!! <3 They're one of my favorite pair.


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