
Monday, August 18, 2014

"Hey Peter. Whaaaaat's happening?"

*contains press sample(s)

  Hi all!  Life is fairly consumed with


and my nails are

roached (do not enlarge)

So rather than just be quiet for the next couple weeks as I ever so patiently wait to gain a little length so I can swatch some fall stuff like I really want to, I thought I'd try and be a little arteestic with some bottle shots of 

OPI Nordic minis fall 2014
OPI Nordic minis

Essie Dress To Kilt fall 2014
Essie Dress To Kilt

Zoya Ignite fall 2014
Zoya Ignite

Zoya India
(India ♥♥♥)


Zoya Entice fall 2014
Zoya Entice
Zoya Entice fall 2014
fall cremes mmmmm ♥♥♥

See you all in a bit!! 

*contains press sample(s)


  1. Gorgeous bottle shots lady! Can't wait until you're back with swatches!

    1. Hey thanks!! I can't wait until I don't have nubs again.

  2. Awww. Happy strumming/picking!!!! We'll be here when you return!!!!

  3. OMG I cannot wait to see the Ignite swatches :-D

    Hope the bass is going well? My hubby has a few gigs lined up with his band - can't wait to go and see him! :-)

    1. That's awesome!! Maybe one day I'll have a gig, lol :) It's going really well! I'm trying to be slow and methodical and I might be going too slow but I haven't tried to learn anything new in years and I really want to do this right.

  4. Aww haha, your bottle shots are divine though! :)

    1. Thank you!! It's a lot harder than it looks, I tell ya. I'm learning :) :)

  5. can't wait to see your swatches!!! especially the ignite collection =0)

    1. Thanks, Gosia! I can't wait to start playing! Dark glassflecks... ♥♥♥♥♥

  6. Replies
    1. Oh, thank you!! It's a gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous polish. Gorgeous. :)

  7. Hi Liesl - oh boy, was I bad in commenting!!! Sososo sorry to dragging behind as your posts clearly deserve immediate attention and commenting!!! I am so awed how you just slipped into learning the Bass and how this instrument could engulf your life! Isn't this the beauty with anything artsy? The passion that come with it? And what is it about those pears? Definitely need to do some research here if I missed anything. Love the bottle shots - very artsey indeed :-)! And your habds look beautiful no matter how long or what shape your nails have b.t.w. Computer hugs and xoxo

    1. Nonononono! Think nothing of it, sis. I'm always stoked when you comment but by all means don't think "slipping" is bad, lol ;) (because if that's the case, then I'm not getting any of that Christmas money I talked about, lolol). So the pears. We have three pear trees in our backyard and a bumper crop this year. We have boxes and bags of pears ripening in our dining area right now and have been drying them as they ripen. We aren't even close to done, lol. And my bass... I love that thing. I just love it. I haven't even officially learned anything on the g-string yet. I'm just enjoying the process immensely. And thank you for the compliment on my hands ♥♥♥ I may fold and swatch with nubs ;) I haven't done that since before we met, I think....

  8. Can I just copy-paste Gosia's comment? oh, that wouldn't be right, but I so want to see Zoya Ignite on your nails! I think I want the whole collection :D
    Did not get the pears thing, do you have Pear trees? are you making insane amounts of pear pie?

    1. Lolol! Ignite is just amazing and I don't blame you for wanting the whole thing. I've been hoping for a set of fall glassflecks since I started this hobby :)
      I really should have explained the pear thing a little bit, lol. We have three trees in our back yard and they're all producing a LOT this year. Our dining area is overtaken by bags and boxes of ripening fruit and we're drying them as they ripen. No pear pie, but with as many as we have, I should try my hand at a galette :)

  9. Your short nails are cute, I have to say as a fellow short nail person. There's something freeing about filing your nails down to the nubs, no? I love the feeling of drumming my fingers on tables/keyboards and feeling the flesh part hit cause the nails are short! You enjoy your short, well-earned break from swatching. :)

    ~ Yun

    1. Would that my shorts looked like yours! I'm the opposite, I love the click of long nails against surfaces, lol (even though it kinda bugs me when others do it; I try to do my tapping in private, lol). And thank you ♥♥ It feels weird, and slightly irresponsible, like I should have had posts lined up, at the every least.

  10. Those bottle shots are a genius tease! I'm trying to finish off my last few summer untrieds, but I'm so ready for fall colors.

    Don't know if it would appeal to you, but if you get tired of drying pears, ginger/pear chutney is an easy way to use up pears and goes great with stir fries and curries.

    1. Thanks, sweets :) :) I've been playing in my favorite pink shades while I wait for my nubs to grow out, lol :)

      Pear chutney sounds wonderful! I'm totally doing one with stir fry for dinner this week. Thanks so much for the suggestion! ♥ (Drying isn't half the pain canning is, though, lol).


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