
Monday, August 25, 2014

Zoya Ignite-- Fall 2014

*press sample

Zoya Ignite swatches and review
Zoya Ignite collection, Fall 2014
  Hi all!!  I'm back from my self-imposed break a week early because when you've got gorgeousness like the Zoya Ignite collection staring at you every time you walk into your living room, it's extremely hard to resist wanting to wear those suckers right away (and talk about them, lol).  So I'm not fully used to my nubs again/yet but the fact is, there is not a shape these colors won't look spectacular on.

  Zoya describes the finishes in this set as liquid metal, but they're unlike any metallic I've ever seen.  These all have a sort of metallic-jelly hybrid finish, going on sheer with the first coat but balancing out perfectly with two, and each with an abundance of golden and shade-specific glassfleck-like shimmer.  There's so much sparkle in these that my camera had the worst time focusing.  These shades are stunning.  Let's get started.

Zoya Ignite fall 2014
Zoya Autumn

Zoya Ignite fall 2014
Zoya Autumn
  Autumn is fall, through and through.  It's a fiery burnished copper with an insane amount of gold shimmer-- images of a bright, setting fall sun come to mind.  This one has the most traditionally metallic finish.

Zoya Ignite Fall 2014
Zoya Teigen

Zoya Ignite Fall 2014
Zoya Teigen

  Teigen is one of four Ignite polishes with what I'd call a true glassfleck finish, jellies with multidimensional shimmer.  Teigen is an easy wearing classic raspberry shade.

Zoya Ignite Fall 2014
Zoya India

Zoya Ignite Fall 2014
Zoya India
  India is a rich and vampy claret packed with gold and fuschia shimmer.  It is every bit as exotic as its name suggests.  India is gorgeous-- like jewelry for your nails.  

Zoya Sansa swatch and review
Zoya Sansa

Zoya Sansa swatch and review
Zoya Sansa
  Ahh, Sansa!!  Game of Thrones fans unite!  Sansa is a dark aubergine with a surprising decorum to it.  I've seen this described as vampy but I feel like it's a deep shade that doesn't quite veer into that territory.  Dramatic, though, yes.  Decorous and dramatic, and utterly unique.

Zoya Remy swatch and review
Zoya Remy

Zoya Remy swatch and review
Zoya Remy
  Remy is the dark cerulean sister to Zoya Charla {HERE} you never knew you had to have until it finally, FINALLY existed.  There's something wildly enticing about this color family with this finish and cool-weatherifying it by making it deeper was pure genius on Zoya's part.

Zoya Yuna swatch and review
Zoya Yuna

Zoya Yuna swatch and review
Zoya Yuna
  Finally, Yuna.  Yuna is far and away the most interesting polish in this collection (and also bears a fandom name, but I don't know the reference).  It's pretty much not metallic at all, nor a glassfleck, but rather a shark grey crelly saturated with gold shimmer.  The effect is almost a dirty olive tone, and amazing because the pigmented base still allows the shimmers to shine through at full force.  I love grey polishes; I didn't love this color on me as much as I'd hoped I would, but this chic and edgy offering is unique and hard to resist.

  My Ignite must haves are India, Sansa, and Yuna (and I tell you this list was different last night as I was swatching-- you cannot go wrong with any of these beauties).  The collection is available for $9 a piece and $54 for the whole set on

Where to find Zoya
  Thank you for reading and have a beautiful day!! ♥♥
*press sample



  1. Beautiful swatches, Liesl! <3

  2. These are just perfect for fall. I would wear just all of them too. Particularly love the shimmers in them too.

    1. Aren't they wonderful? Dark glassflecks... swoooon :)

  3. Oh wow *drools* these look gorgeous! Love your photos :-D

  4. I need these..lovely swatches! My Ulta had them but wouldn't sell about torture!

    1. Whaaaat?!!?! Why are they holding out? In my mind I'd be all, "I'm not leaving without them!!!" but really, I'd be all, "Okaaay," and walk out all sad faced.

  5. Hi Liesl - high five to Zoya! Once more they scored with a thoroughly awesome collection: harmonious yet versatile enough to have something for everyone or justifying owning the whole bunch and your nubs look great!!! As for my favorite - hmmmm if push comes to shove and I am allowed one only ir would just HAVE to be Yuna - as always great post and pictures xxx

    1. Thank you, sis ♥ I'm slowly coming to terms with them, lol. Looking at my now obsolete points photos bums me out a little but I'll get over it, lol. Maybe. ;) It is a very pretty collection. I nearly jumped out of my seat at the Yuna promo shots.

  6. I want AWL of these!! Even Yuna, and I hate grey polish!! I've found myself so addicted to OPI lately that I'm glad you were here to wave these Zoyas around in front of me. :P

    1. You would like Yuna, because all that shimmer makes it rather ambiguous :) I was not overly taken by OPI Nordic, but I did buy a mini set. I need to remember, too, that I'm always way more impressed with that brand once the polish is actually on my nails.... I really ought to email you back and find out what you got!

  7. I think your nubs look great. And OMG I love all of these. They are so sparkly and rich. I need to get this collection!

    1. Thank you!! :) I'm coming around on them again. The collection is beautiful. Zoya is just knocking it out of the park this year :)


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