
Saturday, August 2, 2014

July Favorites and the Return of the Happy Caturday Poll!!

  Happy Caturday, guys and gals!!  August came in like a lion, lol, with a big night-long thunderstorm.  It's though to choose between watching a spectacular light show and sleeping, I must admit, but sleep sort of naturally won out.  It was wonderful to drift off to thunder rumbling, though... Just the coolest thing ever, electrical storms (as long as the lightening doesn't touch down).

  Anyhoo, July was a really fun product month as I discovered four products that I've been pretty much living in.

July Favorites-- L'Oreal Youth Code Texture Perfector day/night cream, Butter London Ladybird, e.l.f. Tone Correcting Powder, Revlon Colorburst Matte Balm in Striking
July Favorites-- L'Oreal Youth Code Texture Perfector day/night cream, Butter London Ladybird, e.l.f. Tone Correcting Powder, Revlon Colorburst Matte Balm in Striking

  1.  L'Oreal Youth Code Texture Perfector Day/Night Cream--  full review {HERE}.  Just reiterating how much I'm loving this light, pale pink cream.  I couldn't believe how supple and non shiny my facial skin was after sleeping in this, so I've made it my new daytime moisturizer for summer.  I'm excited to see how it stacks up once fall weather starts kicking in. 

  2.  Butter London Ladybird-- full review {HERE}.  This nearly neon red polish satisfies my desire for hot weather ready red nails.

  3.  e.l.f. Tone Correcting Powder-- This stuff really deserves its own review, so I'll be brief here.  This compact has been a five minute face game changer for me, as a finisher over moisturizer and primer.  Dusted on with a face brush, it helps control shine, minimize pore appearance, and indeed evens out my skintone nicely, and for just over $3.  I LOVE e.l.f. stuff, man!

  4.  Revlon Colorburst Matte Balm in Striking-- Ever on the lookout for a wearable summer red lippy am I.  This line's been out for a while but I haven't been interested, for some reason.  I bought Striking on a lark and I've scarcely worn another lippy since.  Its balmlike application feels light and low maintenance, its matte nature ensures it stays in place, and the bright, orangey red, much like my Ladybird nail polish, totally works in the summer heat.

  Poll time!!  It feels like it's been a while so forgive me if my questions are booooorrrring, lol.  Feel free to answer as many or as few as you'd like :)

Baby Beau likes C's new toy

  1.  The new $50 Louboutin nail polish-- would you?  Not unless they showed up with some crazy cool finish a la Clarins 230.  That bottle is freaking cool, though.

  2.  What's on your tips and toes at the moment?  I'm monochromatic for the first time ever, I think.  Mommy Does Her Nails said "metallic" to me a few days ago and I heeded the call-- Zoya Channing is my current metallic of choice.  I feel like a walking, talking Zoya billboard lately....

  3.  Favorite salad?  I have a barbecue to attend this evening and need some inspiration.

  4.  Would you give up your long nails to learn how to play an instrument?  Because I'm facing this quandary right meow.

  5.  Discovered any awesome new blogs lately?  Post a link and tell me why!  Here's mine-- Ananka of Economy Nails and Posh Polishes.  Good old swatching blogs are so few and far between these days but they're some of my favorites, and I was stoked to find Ananka's blogs, one dedicated to drugstore and one dedicated to higher end.  Bonus points because she's an awesome commenter :)

  And with that, I'm off for a run.  Thank you for reading!!  Enjoy your weekend ☼☼


  1. I've heard a lot about revlon balms I need to try one too!
    Have a lovely day, kisses

    1. Thanks so much!! The balms are great, they feel wonderful and wear beautifully.

  2. Nice reds! Loving the BL polish :-)

    For question 4. I wanted to learn the bass so bad. Hubby is a bass player in a band and I thought I'd learn too. He got me all the gear one Christmas. I lasted 3 weeks with short nails and couldn't hack it any more. Managed to give some of the gear to a friend to use. So I guess the nail polish was more important than learning the music. I guess it is all about what's important to you :-)

    AND thank you for number 5! :-D I'm glad you like them :-D

    1. My instrument of choice is also bass. I haven't filed mine yet and at this very, very early stage of the game, they don't affect anything. Once I get faster, maybe, but for now I've got time to think about it. I'll, as you say, hack it for as long as I can :)

      And you're quite welcome! I hope you gain a reader or two from me :)

  3. Nice to see and read what your favorites for the month is. That Revlon lip color and elf compact powder sound really great.

  4. Hey sis - just a brief first comment to your salad question - more to follow tomorrow morning. OK so my fav salad: various greens amped up with marinated pepperoni and dried tomatoes and roasted peanuts with a light vinaigrette ;-) enjoy tonight's BBQ <3

    1. That sounds fab! I need to hunt down some decent veggie pepperoni. I ended up not bringing anything... Yesterday morning and afternoon proved busier than I'd planned so I was a heel and showed up with nothing but myself. Fortunately, it was my parents' thing so no hard feelings, lol ;)

  5. I love your monthly faves! ELF rocks! The Louboutin polishes are so pretty it makes me want to weep but I don't know if I can shell out that kind of money. My tips and toes are sadly naked because I am getting ready to paint them! A salad I have been making lately is baby spinach, lemon vinaigrette, almonds, and apple chips. I just put apple chips on all the things. haha. :)

    1. Thank you, sweets!! :) I admit to seeing a swatch of the red one and being a little bit "ohhh..."

      That salad sounds fab! I like to dice up a fresh apple sometimes but apple chips sound great! I don't know why I never thought of that.

  6. What a great post and great questions! I had to declare defeat regarding my skin care sometime last year - it has become a bit different in its requirements and I nowadays need moisture AND nutrition, oh well - it is what it is... Of course the BL number is awesome and consider me on a mission regarding the lippy. I am using the MAC powders - one in yellow and the neutral one and am quite pleased with them. No on to the question (I am awed by you starting to play an instrument).
    1. Same like you
    2. Toes: Picture Polish Mad Magenta, nails: Dance Legend Boggs (you NEED this)
    3. see above
    4. no - but then I Save the planet from the torture of listening me playing an Instrument ;-)
    5. i love Ananka, her posts, her comments, could not agree more. And then I recently got into Russian Blogs - I cannot decipher a single syllable but subscribe to them for their artful photography and then I became hooked to a You Tuber - she is so so funny:

    1. Oh my gosh, I HAD to subscribe to that gal. So entertaining! And you are correct, I need Boggs in my life. I just walked away from a fairly sizable Ulta purchase (all because my 20% off coupon expired yesterday, but still... I walked away) so methinks my next Color4Nails order will be some Dance Legends.

      I keep thinking about how long it's going to take me to get really, really good at bass-- I'll be 65, walking into some music shop and finally killing Rush's YYZ. It's a fun and highly entertaining thought :) I did have a point snap today (it's been hanging on by a thread for a couple weeks) so they are shorter again. The growout experience will be telling.
      Ahh, the Russian nail bloggers... gorgeous hands and nails must be in their genes. There's a gal in PaA (I should add you) who is just amazing, much like Anna Gorelova. This gal's blog is

  7. Love your monthly favs! Your red lippy is reminding me that I should bring out my red lipstick again. I haven't quite found the right red to wear on my lips in the summer, so I haven't been wearing it much over the last few months. As for that Louboutin nail polish, no way. I would rather save my money towards a real pair of Louboutin shoes. :) Hope you had a lovely weekend! <3

    ~ Yun

    1. TOTALLY. A pair of black Loubou spike heels is pretty much my holy grail of shoes, lol. I was kind of reticent to wear a matte lippy during summer at all, but this balm thing has completely changed my mind, and it's really as much because of the color as it is that I can just swipe it on and be done; no reapplication until after lunch, no excessive dryness (though that could be because I'm used to mattes). It's great and I urge you to try one :) :)


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