
Monday, January 19, 2015

Wantable Accessories Box-- January 2015

  It's been a full year since I've done a Wantable accessories box.  My interest in accessories waxes and wanes, and I seem to feel particularly adventurous during the chilly months.  My experience with these boxes has ranged from excellent to dubious.  I love being surprised, though, so I felt ready to take a chance on another one of these fun boxes (follow either of the prior links for full details on how the program works).

Wantable Accessories Box-- January 2015
Wantable Accessories Box-- January 2015

  As my experience with Wantable grows, my mind opens to the possibilities of what I might receive; I've learned to be very specific on my questionnaire but there is still a LOT left to interpretation.  The coolest thing about the service is how it gets you to step outside your comfort zone.  I'm not a fashion risk taker, but these boxes have encouraged me to experiment in ways beyond accessories, which is very cool.

Wantable Accessories Box-- January 2015 Lisa scarf
Wantable Accessories Box-- January 2015 Lisa scarf

  The first item I saw, folded and packed neatly on top, surprised the heck out of me.  I've received a scarf all three times I've gotten a box, including last January, but they've been on the "for looks, not warmth" side of the spectrum.  This little number, called the Lisa scarf, is a toasty, red and white Aztec design acrylic knit in an infinity shape.  I admit I was absolutely not excited about this until I saw that it's an infinity-- I didn't sign up for a coat scarf, in fact the idea of being sent one in a winter box oddly hadn't even occurred to me.  The Lisa scarf, while not in a print I would've chosen for myself, looks adorable with a long scoop, boat, or vneck sweater, leggings, and, as the included style suggestion sheet says, furry boots.  I've never sought out an infinity scarf but it's that shape that makes this piece work without a coat.  I kind of love it and I had to wear this the day I received the box.

Wantable Accessories Box-- January 2015 Karen sunglasses
Wantable Accessories Box-- January 2015 Karen sunglasses

  I'm not a fan of shopping for my own sunglasses-- I feel like I'm not overly objective.  I was really hoping for a set in this box and I wasn't disappointed.  These Karen sunglasses are a classic cateye shape with tortoiseshell frames and arms, accented by sea green on the inside only.  They're retro and glam and look quite cute with the Lisa scarf.  I love these-- definite hit.  Sunglasses come in a little black drawstring bag which is fabulous-- they slip into a handbag side pocket nicely.

Wantable Accessories Box-- January 2015
Wantable Accessories Box-- January 2015

  Jewelry now comes in a nice little velveteen snap pouch emblazoned with Wantable's signature W.  After reading and watching other reviews while waiting for my box, I learned how much other gals love these things and I've been stoked to receive one.

Wantable Accessories Box-- January 2015 Annalise earrings
Wantable Accessories Box-- January 2015 Annalise earrings

  Inside the pouch are two pieces-- first up, these Annalise earrings, bold, statement drop earrings made of crystalline, champagne, and sapphire colored stones.  Big, faux stones are a trend that's been going strong for at least two years running and doesn't look to be slowing down.  Good thing, because I feel like I'm finally becoming fairly comfortable with it.  My only real problem with these earrings is the fact that they're just this side of too fancy to go with anything in my wardrobe.  That just means it's time to get creative, right?

Wantable Accessories Box-- January 2015 Tracy necklace
Wantable Accessories Box-- January 2015 Tracy necklace
    The second piece inside the pouch is a-- YESS!!-- necklace.  It's another bold stone piece, and one that C instantly liked, which is always cool; in fact, as much as I've been on a necklace kick lately, I wasn't sure about it until he gave it his stamp of approval.  It's a gold tone matinee length piece with crystalline and solid fuschia colored stones; the in-house style tip is to wear it with "your favorite grey sweater".  That sounds about right to me, and I think I might go super bold and pair those Annalise earrings with it, too, with jeans and neutral toned heels for a casual night out thing.  By itself, it'll bring some life to my work wardrobe.

  In summation, none of these pieces are things I would've chosen for myself, yet all but one fit into my wardrobe with ease.  I should throw a little statement about the value in, as well-- the box sells for $36 to $40, depending on whether or not you're a subscriber; the full retail value of the items in this particular box totalled $94.  Great job, Wantable!

  Are you a subscription fan?  Are you a Wantable fan?  Gotten anything you've particularly flipped over lately?

  Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!! ♥ 


  1. I love that you take the risks on the surprise box so I can live vicariously through you. I'm too much of a control freak to sign up for one myself, but I love reading about them. Great post. :)

    1. Thanks, Erin! :) I'm a control freak regarding makeup-- I could never commit to a makeup surprise box, lol.

  2. Your risk paid off! Gorgeous stuff.

    1. Thanks so much, Norah! ♥ I agree, it totally paid off.

  3. I love that necklace!! Actually, I love all of those items. On top of being a makeup junkie, I am also an accessory junkie. Awesome!!!

    1. Right on!! I LOVE accessories, too, every time I get a box I'm reminded of that fact, lol.

  4. Loving the scarf and the sunglasses! I'm not sure that I'm brave enough to wear such bold jewelry, but I feel like a box like this might push me out of my comfort zone like it does for you :)

    1. Having the piece in hand and knowing you paid for it does a lot to spark your imagination, lol.

  5. How cute is that scarf!? If only I didn't live in south Florida and actually needed a scarf, that would e the one I'd get! lol

    1. I dig the scarf, too :) Never been into this kind of pattern but that's exactly what I said/thought when I got a big ol' flower print scarf last January, lol, and it's since become one of my favorite pieces.

  6. Some lovely accessories in this box. I just love that scarf.

    1. Thanks Lisa! I like it a lot, too-- so cozy :)

  7. I love those bold earrings and the necklace! I hoard jewelry like Smaug the dragon. Gimme sparklies!

    1. Lolol!! You're Smaug ♥ I might be headed there myself,lol.

  8. Replies
    1. Right on! I'm wearing at least one of the pieces out tonight.

  9. Both the scarf and sunglasses are adorable! Great pictures as well.

    1. Thanks Deborah ♥ I wish the sun would come out for a bit so I could actually wear the glasses, lol :)

  10. The scarf is really cool and the necklace too :-D

    1. Glad you like! I'm wearing the necklace out tonight, for sure :)

  11. Great box this time around-- I love all the pieces you go, especially the sunglasses! Now I want to find a similar pair for myself!

    1. Yeah, they did a great job on this box! I hope you find a pair, they're great :)


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