
Saturday, October 11, 2014

Fall Favorites and Happy Caturday Poll!!

  Hi all!!  With autumn's changing leaves and falling temps, comfort food and delicious hot drinks, and cozy sweaters, boots, and scarves, comes a rich palette of classic colors and an even richer array of fragrances.  I feel my prettiest when the cool hits.  Here are a few of my perennial fall cosmetic and perfume loves.

Fall 2014 Makeup and Perfume Favorites

  1.  NARS Lhasa eyeshadow-- It's a slightly shimmery silvery taupe that plays so nicely with classic dark lips, giving a magical balance of subtle and dramatic.  It's a consummately perfect versatile, low maintenance shadow and I never want to be without it in my life.  Full review {HERE}.

  2.  Chanel No.5 edp-- In my years of wearing and loving perfume, I'd have never guessed or even speculated that this particular icon would be a favorite, much less one I might call a signature scent.  I've also learned that I haven't chosen my signatures-- they've chosen me.  This edp iteration is bold and creamy and blooms when the weather cools.  More deep thoughts {HERE}.

  3.  NARS Fast Ride Sheer Lipstick-- In my once tireless search for the perfect sheer red, I came across NARS Fast Ride, which wasn't it but became a favorite regardless.  It's a sheer black cherry, bold but wearable, with less drama than a creme and a bit of a grungy, undone look.  And let's face it, the name is COOL.  It looks amazing paired with a Lhasa eye.

  4.  Zoya Rekha-- Of all the red nail polishes in the world, I have yet to come across one that strikes as perfect a balance of class, cozy, sex, and danger as this deep, roaring-20's-esque creme.  Its statement is too dark and cold for summer but for fall and beyond, no other red can compare.  Full review {HERE}; better photos {HERE}.

  Poll time!!  Feel free to answer as many or as few as you'd like :)

  1.  It's FALL!!  Are you obsessed with all things pumpkin spice?  No, I haven't had one pumpkin spice latte but I'm really enjoying my piping hot green tea again.  Home scent wise, I've been feeling more caramel brulee-ish this year.

  2.  It's FALL!!  Are you obsessed with all things college football?  Yeah, no.  I'm surrounded by fans, mostly Oregon Duck fans.  Some years I can get into it but this year I just do not care and I find myself both resentful of the jeopardizing of two months' worth of Saturdays and feeling like the most uncool chick in our circle. lol.  Bring on NBA season!

  3.  Lipstick of the day?  Alba Coconut Cream lip balm.  It's Saturday, yo!  I'm still in my pjs.

  4.  Do you keep your toes pedicured once sandal season is over?  Yes.  I'm due for one tonight.  And it's for no one but myself, really.  I can't stand looking at my unpainted toes in the shower.  Also, being put together starts with your feet and full put-togetherness seldom happens, but when my toes are pedi'd, the foundation is laid.

  5.  Favorite Halloween candy?  Candy corn!  The chocolate or original flavors only, though-- none of this new fangled flavored nonsense, and none of the pumpkins.  And honestly, if Brach's put out a bag full of the chocolate flavored ones only, I'd be one seriously happy camper.

  Thank you for reading, looking, answering, whatevs :) Have a loverly day! ♥♥


  1. Rehka is just a stunning shade! And I'd be really curious to see how that nars lipstick looks on because it is oh so vampy and beautiful in that photo!

    1. I've meant to do a post on it since I bought it and now I feel like I've worn it past the point of being a pretty macro tube shot, lol. I still should, though... maybe I will :) :)

  2. That eyeshadow looks beautiful. I wish I could own everything in that pic! And I totally agree with you on the caramel brulee over pumpkin spice ;)

    1. The eyeshadow is perfection. I worry they're going to go discontinue it on me, lol. And sometimes I think the scent of something really sweet quells the need to eat something sweet, lol :)

  3. I love that Zoya shade, so classic! And speaking of, Chanel No. 5 is the epitome of classic! You're so chic :)

  4. Pretty Zoya...despite all the reds out there a really good one is hard to find! I do love everything Pumpkin Spice...I'm go to BBW candles have been Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin (because it's actually not sweet like all the other pumpkin candles), Tailgate, and Mahogany Teakwood.
    Yes to college football too...and NFL for that matter :) Go Pitt!
    I actually don't wear anything other than mascara usually (crazy I know!) so my LOTD is usually EOS lip balm or Vaseline Rosy Lips.
    I'm in Arizona so sandal worthy toes are a must, even if they're not painted.
    As for Halloween candy since I can't pick PSLs, I pick Reese's Pumpkins, mmm...

    1. On any given day, I just do lipstick and a tone correcting powder. Mascara should be the one thing I always wear because my lashes are so pale, lol.
      There is something about seasonal Reese's that just tastes better than the year round cups-- I think it has to do with more peanut butter filling. I'm good on those until Easter-- the eggs get me every time, lol :)

  5. My mom had a bottle of no.5 on her dressing table forever, but I don't know if I ever saw her use it - it was just too glorious to use, I suppose. Now that Fall is here, No on the pumpkin latte, no on the college football (I marched in the band in college, and now it's all I can do to hear about the wins afterwards.) Lipstick - none at the moment, but I was trying on my newly acquired Maybelline Touch of Spice earlier - gorgeous neutral. Pedis? Yes. Almost always barefoot season here in FL, and I like to have my tootsies painted. Fave Halloween candy? The mallowcreme pumpkins. I wait all year for them, but can never finish a bag. Sugar shock!

    1. WHAT?! lol ;) Fume is meant to be worn! But seriously, I see where she's coming from, it's hard to watch the juice disappear and there is something beautifully decorative about a full bottle of perfume on your vanity.
      Ahh, I wish my high schools had been big enough for a marching band, I might have stuck with my flute if that was the case.
      I have a bunch of pumpkins left over from my autumn mix candy corn bags, lol, I should send them your way!! ;)

  6. Zoya Rekha IS perfect! My favourite Halloween candy is Candy Corn too!

    1. Right on!! I just found a big bag of nothing but chocolate ones, too!

  7. I do LOVE the Pumpkin Spice Latte, but it isn't a hype as much here in the Netherlands as it is in the US ^^. Also, great Fall picks! Would love to see the lippie on you :).

    1. I think it all depends on where you get it and I read somewhere recently that one of the biggest coffee chains' iterations doesn't use anything having to do with pumpkin or pumpkin spice so that illusion was over for me, lol (because I'm sure other places use the same formula, but what I don't know won't affect me, lol).
      And thank you!! I'll definitely have to do a review on the lippie.

  8. I don't have Zoya Rekha, but I do have Livingston. It's the only Zoya in the red family I have, come to think of it. I must needs remedy that. Here are my super-interesting answers to the Caturday poll:
    1) I do love the flavor of pumpkin spice in about everything, although I'm not addicted to it or anything. I'm current drinking coffee with a healthy shot of sugar free Torani in Pumpkin Pie Spice. I never buy designer lattes.
    2) I'm still feeling pretty sure that aliens haven't taken over my body, so that would be a no.
    3) A melange of more things than would ever keep your interest.
    4) I never expose my feet but always have painted toenails, just in case I have a tragic auto accident.
    5) Halloween Kit Kat. Yes.

    1. Livingston is amazing, too, another favorite... Zoya just makes the best reds, I tell ya, better than BL.
      1. Flavored syrup in coffee brewed at home is far superior to designer lattes. I looooove toasted marshmallow with evaporated milk.
      3. Try me :)

  9. Is it wrong that I like the scarf more than the cosmetics? lol

  10. What a gorgeous Zoya :-D I do love Hallowe'en, probably because of the limited edition polishes :-)

  11. I must admit I am one of those obsessed with Pumpkin Spice! And pumpkin pie.

    1. Pumpkin pie is another story, especially my mom's ♥♥


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