Thursday, October 4, 2012

Zoya Rekha

Good morning!!  I truly could not wait to take off my pretty pink from yesterday so I could put Zoya Rekha on again.  Zoya's Designer collection is full of gorgeous cremes, and I'm having a serious love affair with this red right now.  I think it might be my favorite fall polish (maybe even my new favorite red... too early to tell on that one).  This is not your typical classic red.  This is femme fatale, borderline nsfw blood red.

Rekha's cold, blue based and creamy.  There is no polish in the world I love more than red cremes, and this one is dark and dangerous.   And maybe I'm a little too into Once Upon a Time right now (NO spoilers, please, we haven't watched the season premiere yet) but this totally looks like something the evil queen/Regina would wear... although it works better when offering a real apple, as opposed to a freshly baked turnover, lol.

Have a bite, my pretty!

The formula's a little tricky.  I used three coats and it's still a little patchy in places.  I get some shrinkage with this one, too, even when wrapping my tips.  This is where Zoya's own topcoat would have come in handy, but it doesn't bother me too much because the color's so great.  It's barely visible on my index and ring fingers, in case you're curious. 

Thanks for reading!  Have a tantalizing Thursday. ;)


  1. Pretty color!! And that seems like a huge apple girlfriend!! ;)

    1. It is kind of big, and it's tastie! I'm eating it right now, as it happens. :)

  2. I think I grabbed a Gala. They were all that big.

  3. Love this color on you and wow that looks like one delicious apple!

  4. Replies
    1. Isn't it? I had these high hopes for what it would look like on, and it didn't disappoint! :)

  5. This is really gorgeous-- looks fab on you! I have this sitting in my untried pile; I better pull it out!

    1. Ahh, you should! I bet you'd rock this color. :)

  6. Gorgeous red on you! If you like red cremes, you might like Zoya Carmen. It's just a shade warmer than Rekha though it still falls on the cool side, but it's also got a slightly squishy jelly texture. Super pretty :-)
    I love Once Upon a Time too!

    ~ Yun

    1. Ohh, you make Carmen sound awesome! Next time there's a sale I'll have to check that one out. I'm pretty sure I could use another red or two. :D

  7. Definitely a pretty red. Made my love for bollywood make sense. lol...

    1. I've never really checked that scene out! Probably why my mind made a completely different connection, lol.

  8. This is such a stunning red! It is gorgeous!


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