Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Illamasqua Collide-- BCA Pink Wednesday Week One

Good morning, friends!!  We all know that October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month, and the fact is there's not one of us out here that hasn't been affected by this disease in some way.  In my family alone, I've lost my grandma and a great aunt to it, and have one aunt who's beat it.  One of my cousins recently had her last round of chemo and gave birth to a healthy baby boy on September 27.  Next up for her is surgery to remove the tumors.  Terrifying as it is, breast cancer is no longer the death sentence it once was, and for that... we should all be thankful. 

When Andrea at Finger Painting Fingers invited me to be a part of a very special Pink Wednesday series, I couldn't say no.  In an awesome instance of polish serendipity, my local Sephora just started carrying some new brands, including some core line Illamasquas, so my first pink is suitably special.  Today I'm wearing Collide.

Collide is a super vibrant, creamy neon pink, happy and beautiful, and perfect for the occasion.  It's surprisingly easy to photograph, too, compared to my last venture with neons.  These are color accurate, lol.  This color is this bright!  I used two coats and a top coat.  This formula's a little on the thin side.  The brush is a good one, small and tapered.

In closing... eat right, exercise, do your monthly self checks, go to your doctor.  Take care of you.  In the words of Kiss, "It ain't a crime to be good to yourself." ;)   

If you're interested in joining in, click on the top button on the right hand side.  It'll lead you to Andrea's main page for Go Pink Wednesdays.


  1. Gorgeous pink! I've recently got Illamasqua polishes as well, and wow are they amazing. I love this color on you, a perfect pink punctuation to your nails.

    1. Thanks, Shannon :) I still need that rubbery red you featured a few days ago, and there's a rubbery black I need too, lol.

  2. What a pretty pink. I lost my Grandmother to breast cancer and never had the chance to know her. It's nice to see you showing your support for women everywhere. :-)

    1. Thanks, C :) Sad about your grandmother...awesome that things are so much different and positive for our generation, though. ;)

  3. Ah, you sold me. This is going on my wish list. Why doesn't my Sephora-in-Penney carry these? That's the one you are talking about, right? I can't believe how awesome you got it to photograph! Your paint job is flawless. I'm sorry cancer has touched your life so closely. But you are right, there are so many more survivors now-a-days. Thanks for posting your story.

    1. Yep, Sephora-in-Penney :) :) I could hardly believe my eyes, lol.

  4. Okay, I came back for more. This is just so awesome. They actually look like fake nails!

  5. Wow, I love this color and it looks amazing on you!

  6. I love this! It looks great on you. I'm jealous, I want it now!

  7. Wow, this pink looks so amazing on you! I'm not a big pink person, but I'm going to have to hunt this one down. This is a great pink to show your support for breast cancer. Thank you for sharing this.

    1. Thanks, Jennifer :) I'm not as much of a pink person as I thought, since I had to buy four different polishes to make it through the month, lol.

  8. Thank you for sharing your story. Mine is similar, we've lost 2 women and had 3 other diagnosed in my family. I love the support that we are all able to round up for those fighting this disease! You're nails are amazing and Collide is a great pink on you!

    1. Thanks, Krystan :) And well put; I do, too. :)

  9. Thank you for sharing your story. It really touched me. <3
    That's a beautiful pink! :-)

    ~ Yun

  10. Wow! Such a gorgeous bright vibrant strong color. Perfect for Breast Cancer Awareness!

  11. This is such a beautiful pink and I'm sorry the disease has affected your family the way it has. What amazing news about your cousin though! God is good!!!!

  12. Thank you for sharing your story. You picked a superb shade!... me wants it!!! My sephora just started carrying illmasqua too! I can't wait to pick up one or 2...AND i have a gc burning a hole in pocket.... humm ;) I'm glad to be doing GPW with you!

    1. Back atcha. ;) Go make good use of your gc, lady!!

  13. oh this is gorgeous, Liesl!!! Thank you so much for sharing your family story!! I just love technology nowadays!!! Hopefully one day we can all look at cancer like at bubonic plague and just take a pill to get rid of it...

  14. This is a beautiful shade of pink, so bright! I´ve never tried Illamasqua polish, they don´t sell it where I live, but it looks very pretty on you!

  15. First things first, Liesl. I am sorry to hear about your grandma and great aunt, but you are so right. Your aunt and cousin are living proof that breast cancer can = a happy ending. I love your pink mani. I don't have any Illamasqua polishes and this one makes me want to run to Sephora and give them my last $14, lol. Thanks so much for joining me in Go Pink Wednesday!! ♥

    1. Thank you for the invite, Andrea <3 I'm very happy to be participating in this.

  16. I love this pink. I'm so sorry about the people in your life that have been affected. I want to join this Wednesday pink cause as well. <3

    1. Thank you :) And awesome, the more, the merrier!

  17. Shade. Lots of shade. And thank you :)

  18. Down with cancer! This is a fabulous pink-- great way to kick off the month!

  19. Sorry for all the loss.

    This polish looks great on you. I suggest you make it your favorite pink because it works soooo well with your skin tone. It's beautiful!

    1. lol. Butter London Snog holds that honor. This will have to settle for second. ;) And thank you. <3

  20. I really love this pink! It is so vibrant and gorgeous!


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