Thursday, July 26, 2012

A White-Hot Holo

... sort of, lol.  After seeing this post on Chloe's Nails back in March, I've been really excited to try creating a white holo look, myself.  So, that's what I did for H day in Gosia's ABC challenge.  I used two coats of Milani Fast Dry in White on the Spot, and one coat of SH Nail Prisms Diamond, as the original poster did.  Here's how mine turned out.

It's okay.  It's not overly holo-y.  From some angles I think it looks really cool, then from others I think it looks like I put a streaky coat of weak silver glitter over white and called it good. lol. 
A couple observations-- first, this white is ridiculously easy to apply, but you do need to work fast.  If anyone's looking for a new white creme, I highly suggest this one.  You can almost get away with one coat.  Second, Diamond clearly comes in at least two formulas, and the other one is stronger and more linear.  Maybe my silver Layla would work better.  


  1. I am always in the market for new white polishes- I'm a little (just a little) obsessed with them. I for one would love to see a Layla layered over white - that sounds awesome!

    1. I'll definitely try it soon! I think I'll achieve more of the effect I'm after with the Layla.

  2. A white holo is my secret dream! I should try using ChG wireless holo over a white base, too, and see how it looks! So far the closest to a white holo I've ever seen is Hits Hefesto over a white.

    1. Doesn't a white one just sound fabulous? You should try the ChG. I'll have to look up the Hits.

  3. That's pretty! The holo effect is subtle, but I can definitely see it! :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. Thanks, Yun :) Yep, it's there, it just needs to be stronger. ;)

  4. Oh my gosh, a white holo!! I really need to get me some Spectraflair powder so I can go nuts with all the colors!!

    1. How fun would that be?! You totally should! I'd have to have a fairly decent sized bib on for that post though, so give me a fair warning if you decide to do it. ;)

  5. You need to be a spokesperson or hand model for Nail Prisms:) Another beautiful manicure! Thanks for the recommendation for a white polish - yes, a good one is hard to find!

    1. Only if it meant getting the elusive Turquoise Opal at a reasonable price, lol. ;) Thank you, and yes, another Prisms mani.... My blog is so boooooring! Lol.

  6. I tried doing a look like this with a white creme and Glitter Gal Light As A Feather and failed :/ It just didn't look right in the shade but in the sun it was gorgeous. I guess it wasn't meant to be layered like that. And I second the tip on Milani White On The Spot... I'm hooked!

    1. I heard LAAF is as close to a white holo as is made, I'm surprised you used it with a white base. I'd love to see photos, if you took any....

  7. Very pretty. I love white polish! :)

    1. Thanks! :) I've been looking to explore whites a little more. There are some interesting ones out there, for sure!

  8. Apparently there are a few floating around out there! I wish they beers more prolific. It's probably difficult to get the right balance of creamy white and spectraflair or whatever they use to achieve something not overtly silvery.

  9. What a great idea! :D Love this.
    I wish I had some sally hansen nail prisms :(

    1. Any silver holo will do; I think a stronger one would be prettier, actually. The Prisms are pretty awesome, though. :)

  10. Glitter Gal has a white holo, but I think the main reason others haven't tried is because there is no color to really help the holo stand out. I like your effort though and it makes me want to go get my Hefesto out and try it because it would certainly look amazing as snow! :)

    1. Ohh, Hefesto! That's a great idea! I wish I had it! I really think I'm going to try and get the Glitter Gal, though.

  11. I think it looks perfect! So elegant!

    1. Thanks, Jin! Definitely worth revisiting. :)


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