Tuesday, December 11, 2012

BadAss Polish Bling!

Hi everyone!  Today I get to show you the last of the four BadAss polishes currently available.  This is Bling!.  I admit I wasn't totally sold on it in the bottle, but then I put it on, and Bling! is, well... badass.  This is one coat over L'Oreal The Mystic's Future.

Bling! is another densely packed glitter in a clear base, this time with tiny bright yellow gold dust glitters and smallish silver hexagons.  Bling! is not for the shy or the faint of heart.  It's a flashy, glitzy, glamorous good time, and a breeze to apply, on top of it.  
I admit to not having much experience with indie polishes, and none at all with indie glitters, but I will say right now that I'm highly impressed with BadAss Polish.  It's been an up and down year for indie polish makers, and you hear things that maybe make you want to stay away.  But, there are some really good ones out there.  From where I'm sitting, BadAss creator Amy, with her patience, care, and attention to detail, looks to fit right in with that group. 

Just one more thing.  You may or may not know that I'm a little shy when it comes to layering and glitters in the first place.  I like my neutrals and I like my cremes.  I was so honored when Amy asked me to review her new collection and I was excited to step out of my comfort zone.  What I didn't expect was to fall in love with any of them, and on Dusk day and Bling! day, I couldn't seem to stop staring at my nails!  These glitters have a certain sophistication to them... sort of glitter for grownups, if you will.  I don't feel costumey in these, or that I'm playing around with my preteen niece's polishes, if you get that.  This is a slam dunk of an opening collection, if you ask me, and I'm really excited to see what else Amy's got up her sleeve for BadAss Polish.

Bling! is available for purchase here.
Check out the official website here.
   Follow BadAss Polish on facebook here.

This item was sent for review.


  1. Beautiful layering combo! Great review. :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! :) This is a really cool glitter :)

  3. Again, thank you for the opportunity, I loved doing these and you deserve every one of my words :)

  4. This is so gorgeous! I just love your laying combo!!

    1. Thanks, Jamie! :) I was about to give that L'Oréal away, too. I think I'll keep it, lol.

  5. Pretty glitter! You picked a great base color to show off the glitters. :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. Thanks, Yun! Sometimes you're just not sure until you try it, lol. I'm glad you like it, I sure do! :)

  6. Welcome to the wonderfully dark world of glitter, glitterbombs, and layering. It's such a great place to be and you are amongst friends ;) Also we're all headed out of our comfort zones. I NEVER used to like gold but, lately, I just want gold polish! This is just amazing and I hope to own it soon! Great color to layer over too.

    1. It's the holidays, I'm telling ya! Gold, glitter.... ;) The cool thing is that I now own enough glitters to do a full on glitterbomb. Earlier this spring when PaA still doing Monday manis glitterbomb was one of the features and I seriously thought that meant pick one glitter and wear it... Oh, I was so naive. ;)

  7. Hi Liesl - very pretty. Maybe it is the time of the year but I am jumping on anything glitzy lately ;-)!!!

    1. Oh, me, too! I totally think it's the time of year. ;) And thank you :) :)


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