Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Zoya Carly, Satinified

Good morning!!  This'll be a short post (as in, less talking from me, lol) because I've already worn this polish and talked about it.  It's Zoya Carly, the gorgeously unsummery dark purple foil from this summer's Surf collection.  Simona from Light Your Nails and Christina from Amoki's Corner both mentioned how chic Carly would look mattified, and I had to agree.  Here it is with my Essence Soft Touch topper (I'm really starting to love this thing!).  This is two coats Carly, one coat Soft Touch.

I'm totally in love with how this looks.  You know how mattes tend to chip way earlier than glossy polishes (or so I'm told)?  This topcoat seems to be the exception.  The only reason I redid my mani from yesterday was because I wasn't happy with my paint job and it didn't make for very nice photos, lol.
So there you go!  Thank you for reading, have an awesome day. <3


  1. Wow that looks amazing, I really need to get hip with this matte top coat!

    1. It took me a while to get on board, too, and now I'm all over it. Let's mattify everything!! :D

  2. Looks awesome! I am still wearing mine today and wish I could have thrown on a matte top coat to change it up a bit:)

    1. Well, if you're in the market for a good matte topcoat, this one's great. ;)

  3. GORGEOUS! I actually do not own a matte top coat! Preposterous, I know! This looks great on you.

    1. Haha, inconceivable!! ;D So good to hear from you. I was about to send you an email to see if you're still kicking. ;)

  4. I love this! I am going to have to check out that topcoat!

    1. Thanks, Tara! Definitely check it out! I think I got mine on sale for, like, a buck 50, so it's been more than worth it. ;)

  5. Replies
    1. Doesn't it? A gal on my fb observed that it looks a little like Harlow.

  6. Ooh! It looks so pretty mattified! I tried to resist the matte polish trend, but it's growing on me.

    1. Haha, me, too! It is futile, though, this resistance. :)

  7. Carly is one of my favorite Zoyas, and it looks amazing mattified! I'll have to try this out myself soon. :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. Doesn't it?! You've got to try it. You'll be in polish love. ;)

  8. Love the matte-fied look. SO pretty!!!

  9. Yay! I was right: it looks awesome!!!! I love it! And I love using the Essence soft touch top coat. Since I've got it I stopped using the matte one. This one is so much better, kinda satin instead of matte, I prefer it!

    1. I don't even know what a full on matte looks like compared to this one, but I really like this satinified thing, too.

  10. I know!!! :) Like Karine said up there, it totally changes the feel of this polish. <3

  11. Oh pretty!!!
    And it reminds me a lot of Nabi matte which I had and stained my nails terribly! I appreciate Zoya much more then nabi so I can't help but wondering if it didn't stain your nails?

    1. It didn't stain at all, but did leave behind some of that trademark Zoya shimmer residue.

  12. I am already insanely in love with Carly... now I have to try this, like right now! Its so cool and edgy looking when its mattifyed.

    1. It's amazing. The only reason I took it off was so I could satinify my other Zoya Surfs, lol.


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