Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Story About Maybelline Great Lash Mascara in Go Go Green (photo heavy)

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Liesl.

She didn't wear a lot of makeup, and when she did, she liked to keep it simple and natural.  One day, she came across something amazing, something that took her back to her days as a seventh grader, playing with a blue Debbie Gibson Electric Youth mascara her childhood best friend had sent her from across the country.  It was a display of Maybelline Great Lash Mascaras in limited edition colors such as Pop of Purple, Go Go Green, Totally Teal, and Blink of Blue.  Feeling adventurous and a little nostalgic, Liesl decided to try out the green.

A couple days later, Liesl found herself at home sick, so she did what most people in her situation would do, and tried to create some nice eyeshadow looks to go with her edgy new mascara.  She pulled out an arsenal of tools, including a purple WetnWild Idol Eyes crayon called Techno bought on a whim, and a lovely Stila shadow palette called In The Garden that absolutely refused to play nice with her skin tone, and went to work.

Not being terribly versed in the art of matching colors, Liesl soon realized that the mascara did not even remotely match any of the shadow colors she'd layed out, but she attempted some ill-fated looks, anyway.

Ill-fated, indeed.  Not only were the colors completely discordant with each other and largely unflattering, but the reflection of Liesl's hands and camera were visible right in the center of her eyeball!  
"WHAT am I going to do?!" thought Liesl.  "I just took almost 100 pictures of a whole bunch of completely unusable material."  Undaunted, she took off the mess with her trusty Pond's cold cream, did a load of dishes, and applied the Maybelline Great Lash mascara in Go Go Green again, this time, by itself.

She marveled that the formula, while not as lengthening or as volumizing as she preferred in a mascara, was very easy to control, gave a decent amount of coverage, and did not require additional cleanup around the upper lash line.  The mascara was nicely pigmented, too, and easily visible without getting nose to nose with a magnifying mirror.  She decided to take another small round of photos, satisfied and comfortable with the simplicity, because all she wanted to do in the first place was show some like-minded souls her fabulous new green mascara.

...and this time, without the camera in her eyeballs.

 The end.


  1. I know exactly how you feel. I see these pretty eyeshadow looks or try to come up with something on my own and never do them come out well :\ But I LOVE this green mascara. It looks gorgeous with your brown eyes :)

    1. *do they, not do them. Sorry for my typo! :P

    2. Haha, no prob ;) Thanks, Hannah :) I'd still like to give it a little more punch, so I think I'll try and find a green single in the same shade and just do a swipe of color. Something foolproof, lol.

    3. I'd also try something with a bit of brown shimmer to it. Maybe like a toffee color or a greige of sorts. Green and brown are like foolproof together IMO.

    4. One of the liners I used doesn't look altogether horrid; it's kind of an olive greenish/brown. I think I might play around with that a little more, too. <3

  2. Great post! I love the way the sun lights up your green lashes! It's so pretty! I think the mascara would look good with any of the light shades to the left of the palette and a brown liner. ;)

    1. Thanks Deb :) The whole thing is that nothing in that palette looks good on me, and believe me, I've tried. I just can't bear to part with it quite yet, lol. Thank you for the tips. :)

  3. I love Maybelline Great Lash Mascara! I have the Waterproof and Lots of Lashes but I don't care for the wand on the Lots of Lashes. You are so pretty Liesl! You are one of the fortunate ones that doesn't really need a lot of make-up, me on the other hand, I pack it on!! LMAO

    1. Oh, thanks, D! :} I kept looking at my self portraits, lol, and thinking, "Dang, maybe I should've just left the full on face shots out." Thank you for the compliment. <3

  4. I am just so loving this post and the amazing green mascara. I'll be mascara of choice in my teenage years was purple. It was by Avon and had matching lipstick....which I also wore. *blush* That last eyes shot is FANTASTIC!

    1. You are so adorable! I can just see you with your purple eyelashes and matching lips. <3

  5. The green mascara looks great on you, which is a total surprise because I never would have thought it would look good on anyone.

    haha I know what you mean about taking 100 pictures and then realizing afterwards that none of them are usable. I think the most I have ever swatched a polish is four times, because the first three times yielded all unusable pictures. lol.

    ~ Yun

    1. Thanks, Yun :) I really didn't want to scrap everything, so I decided to do a little story, lol. I was bound and determined to make a post out of this mess.

  6. I love how you can actually see the green in your second to last photo! Amazing! It looks good! I'm so jealous you have a purple mascara, though-- I'm searching for one right now!

    1. I don't have a purple! I would have picked that one if it had been there, but it was sold out. Green was my second choice. ;)

  7. LOL, you made me actually laugh out loud and my husband just said "what?"...I didn't even try to explain. I didn't even notice your hands in your eyeballs until you said that and it made me laugh so loud. You really need to write a book - you are so funny and great with words. That was a fun story to read and your eyes look great. You make me want to try this mascara!

    1. Haha, that's awesome! I've had to say that to C- "You wouldn't get it, trust me." And he usually responds with, "Probably not." Much easier than attempting to explain. Anyhoo... thank you <3

  8. Thanks, Amy <3 I had fun writing it.


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