Wednesday, November 14, 2012

OPI Jade is the New Black

Good morning!!  I'm sitting here not so sure of those words right now, or if they're worthy of the two exclamation points I always have to add... I really just want to crawl back into bed.  And, my legs are super sore from last night's workout.  Nothing major, just me whining.  I know how much everyone loves getting onto a blog and reading that ish, so there you go-- Wednesday whining a la LLPT.
I'm so done.

After seeing OPI Jade is the New Black on Essie at i Heart Pretty Polish, I knew I had to have it.  We share a love of greens and I seriously don't know what took me so long to pick this one up in the first place.  Here's how I wear it.

I cannot even tell you how irritated I am at the camera (yes, yes, that's right) for making me have lobster hands in this color, because the truth is, it's gorgeous.  And I like it on me, too, so, umm, there.  It's a slightly blue tinged green creme, elegant and glossy as all get-out.  I've got two coats and a topcoat on here and I may or may not need to be turned in to the cuticle police for this one....
Jade is the New Black was originally part of the Hong Kong collection but is now part of OPI's core line.  It seems to sell out quickly wherever it's sold.  If you happen upon one, it's worth it.  

Quick giveaway update-- the first gal I drew for those Joby Nail Art stickers didn't respond within 48 hours, so I've drawn another name and am waiting on her response.  Thanks to all you gals who entered, hopefully we'll be able to wrap this one up soon.

Have a wonderful Wednesday. ;)


  1. Looks awesome on you. I need to pull this puppy out again:) It has been a long time! I don't even remember showing it on my blog??? Thanks for the shout-out sista!

    1. It's prettier on you, babe. However, it doesn't make my skin look that red in real life... :/

  2. What a beautiful green ! Great holiday color!

  3. !!!! Love this color so much. It looks great on you :)

  4. I always have lobster hands when I wear greens of all shades :( It's such a bummer! This color is so pretty so it's worth the lobster hands. In fact, I bought it but I have NO idea where I put it. Oops!

    1. I have so many greens and this is the first that's done this to me, lol. But yes-- totally worth it and as long as no one comes to take pictures of my hands while I'm wearing it I'm golden. And find that thing, girlie! Lobster hands in pretty greens unite! ;)

  5. this suits you so well. I have this pretty sitting in my untrieds and was scared that the shade would not go well with my skin tone

    1. Thanks for saying :) I feel like my photos look just the opposite, lol. It seems like this one is a little difficult to wear...

  6. Thanks, Amy :) I can't wait to see it on you. :)

  7. Very pretty. And I'm not usually a fan of greens. I like this.

  8. This is so gorgeous! I don't know why I haven't bought it yet!

    1. So funny, Deb, that seems to be the consensus! Go get it, lol!! ;)

  9. I have a finger paints this color but seeing this on you makes me want it. LOL...

    1. It seems like one of those shades where there are many similar colors, but none a spot on dupe. At any rate, one can never have too many greens ;)


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