Monday, October 22, 2012

Essie Dive Bar

The first polish to truly excite me after I was introduced to this little world last fall was Essie Dive Bar.  I was lost in the world of OPI, and this strangely seductive color was unique and intriguing to my eyes.  I ordered it online, oohed and ahhed once it arrived, and then wore it as a pedi exactly once, until today.

 Dive Bar is a deep and glowy midnight teal shimmer that conjures up images of crescent moons and wispy clouds; mysterious figures in trenchcoats and fedoras; and certain Van Gogh paintings.  It's dark and stormy out this October morning, and this pensive and melancholy color feels highly appropriate.
The formula is lovely.  Two coats gives it a rich and saturated finish.  The brush is tiny.

We did a little bit of Halloween decorating yesterday afternoon....

The old lady looks perfectly normal at this angle, muahaha.  Yes, it's supposed to go at the end of the hall inside, but then no one would see it but us two, lol.  Baby Beau's position may or may not have been staged....


  1. This color looks great on you! I got rid of it because it washed out my skin and didn't look good haha!

    1. Thanks, Kelly :) Teal's a hard one, I think. I was a little skeered of it at first, that's why I wore it as a pedi once and then stashed it.

  2. LOL. You are such a poet! Love the last statement about the kitty:) Oh and this nail polish is so perfect for this time of year. It almost looks black and then BAM there is some teal in there:)

    1. Haha, cheesy? Lol. I seriously sat in front of the computer for, like, two hours trying to be inspired abouut what to write, and then it hit me. And there it is, lol.

  3. Yay Kitty photo bomb!! (even if it's staged, I kinda really love it :P)

    That polish is SO sultry, I love it!

    1. He did actually get up on the screen seconds before I had the camera ready, but naturally, that didn't last, so we took matters into our own hands. ;D

  4. I sooo need to finally wear this color!!! It's awesome!!!
    Love the (un)staged kitty!! :)

    1. You do!! Now's the perfect time, lol. :) And I know, doesn't he have the cutest little facey-face?? XD

  5. Wow, this is such a lovely color!

  6. I love this shade! I keep thinking about getting it and then putting it down in the store, though I have nothing like it. And I love the kittybaby peeking out the door! Haha

    1. Might be worth it! I bet you'd rock this color, Deb :)

  7. The shimmer in this is so pretty.

  8. I only have one Essie polish (OPI fan right here loool) but this shade makes me want to give the brand a try.

    1. This is one of two Essies my stash. This color alone is worth getting, in my opinion... I think it'd look so gorgeous on you.

  9. That's so deep and gorgeous! Look at that shimmer! :D
    Your Halloween decorations are cute :-)

    ~ Yun

    1. Right?! This color rocks!! And thank you, my husband picked out the adorable little jack-o-lanterns. :)

  10. A blackened teal *dies* I've wanted this one and your swatches so seal the deal <3

    1. Saweet! It is an awesome color, so totally worth it. ;)

  11. Ohh, you definitely need this one! I do need to explore this line a little more.

  12. Oh my goodness, one of my friends was asking me about blackened teal polishes and I didn't even think of this one! *slaps forehead* Your swatches are gorgeouss-- and now I will go tell my friend about Dive Bar, which I think is exactly what she's looking for!

    1. Awesome, Cat :) It's a pretty fabulous color. And thank you :)


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